General Poetry posted January 7, 2024 Chapters: Prologue -1- 2... 

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Tercet Free Verse

A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Free Verse

The Seven Seas

by Gypsy Blue Rose

word definitions in auther notes
I want to dance with the wind

the way it dances with tender branches

and embraces deep-rooted oaks

aquamarine waves carry

my intrepid boat into the unknown

over diamond-covered oceans

wild horses gallop

across umber mountain ranges

to the rhythm of my heartbeat

I dream about you

aching and yearning for your embrace

  my soul's sanctuary

eyes filled with gypsy moon

and stars lighting the way to the sun

rising across the seven seas


Intrepid = resolutely fearless
Gallop = to ride a horse at full speed
Seven seas= the Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans.

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