General Poetry posted December 24, 2023 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

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For all He has done for us, He asks so little in return
A chapter in the book Poems to Publish

Come Follow Me

by Debi Pick Marquette

With human race out of control

God found a way to save each soul

His Son, a Savior sent to Earth

Man followed Him since Christmas birth

It matters not what we have done

He is the One, God's only Son

It doesn't matter where we've been

He died to take away our sin

Repent and follow; give Him praise

Then fast forward to nowadays 


Verbal abuse was everyday

Sue knew there was no other way

They had been fighting more and more

She’s ready to walk out the door

Packed up the kids so they could leave

First said a prayer; Sue did believe

She knew that Jesus heard her plea

When He said Sue, come follow me

Since Jill had Covid, months ago

Why she's still sick, she didn’t know

Her life, each day it seemed to rob

And now it even took her job

She felt like things were getting worse

That she was moving in reverse

Her zest for life was absentee

Then Jesus said, come follow me

Too much, Tim's parents would demand

And he could never understand

They pushed so hard that he felt lost

Sadly it might come at a cost

About to overdose on pills

Nobody cares how this boy feels

Tim thought about eternity

When Jesus said, Tim, follow me

They all heard Jesus and would trust

Had willing hearts, they knew they must

His Love is what would set them free

When He said, come and follow me

But first there's something they would do

It always gives me comfort too

The Three of them, Sue, Jill and Tim

They gave their baggage all to Him

Poem of the Month contest entry



Club entry for the "Jesus's Birth" event in "FINDING YOUR MUSE".  Locate a writing club.
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