General Poetry posted December 4, 2023 Chapters:  ...68 69 -70- 71... 

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Merry~go~Rhyme for her
A chapter in the book Tributes

Karenina, May your Day Sparkle

by Debi Pick Marquette

 You’re kinda meek and so You'nique
Your sense of humor, silly geek
We do love your writing technique
Humility's your winning streak

You’re always kind with your critique
Just so you know, you’re no antique

So many here already knew
Your friendships are so very true
So day by day, more grew and grew
And we are so thankful for you

You say you'll do, then follow through
You're someone that we look up to

      With your career, your life was clear      
    You didn't fear, but spread the cheer 
And as our peer, you are so dear 
We'd shed a tear if you weren't here

I'm serious and quite sincere
  Your birthday's so special this year

We are inclined to keep in mind 
Of everyone we know combined
It would be very hard to find 
A woman more lovely and kind

And Karenina, we'll remind
Each one of us, you've stood behind

You are someone who's very rare
We're better for your wear and tear 
When needed you are always there
You welcome others, show you care 

And may your day sparkle with flair
We hope it's extraordinaire 

For all the goodness you portray 
The things you say, make newbies stay 
You send congrats when winners play
Helped ATBs to find their way

We're thankful that for us you'll pray
We all love you, we do convey 

Our Special K, Happy Birthday



My Merry~go~Rhyme Rules:
1. must rhyme
2. must be fun
3. normal 4 line stanzas
4. a fun line or 2 between each stanza (for the up and down carousel effect)
5. and mostly carefree and joyful (for the round and round effect)
6. may have sadness in poem, but must have joyful ending, to keep the theme going

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