General Fiction posted November 14, 2023

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Was it Magic, or Tragic?

Do You Know The Muffin Man?

by jim vecchio

He lived on Drury Lane. The children called it “Dreary.” They avoided that street, thinking it was eerie.

A “Melonhead” skipped down his stair, grasping a muffin with fragrance, fair. “There’s surely evil magic in that snack,” they thought; common sense they all did lack.

That man only gave what that soul did crave.

For the “Melonhead” had Hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid in his head. He was a human, not spook as they said.

-75 Words

75 Words Flash Fiction contest entry

When I lived in Connecticut, "Melonheads" were reported in one section of town. There was even a report on a TV station concerning this. Seeing a sketch of one of these "Melonheads", my feeling is that it was someone suffering from hydrocephlus, as I worked with adults who had that condition.
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