Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted October 27, 2023

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We are responsible for all that takes place in our lifetime.

Taking Responsibilty

by prettybluebirds

There comes a moment in one's life when you become aware of the fact that you are responsible for everything, past and present, in your life, the good as well as the bad, and the people and animals who share your existence now, which is why, in my senior years, I find myself with six cats, one dog, and my niece, Cindy, who came to share my life after my husband passed away in 2018, and continues to reside with me and the cats and dogs I rescued in previous years, which is good because Cindy will be here to care for my pets in the event they outlive me, which I don't believe will happen as I have every intention of living to be one-hundred so I can care for the lives I'm responsible for until they cross the Rainbow Bridge, and I pray that will not be anytime soon as I love them all, including the non-furry one, Cindy.

The Sentence is the Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Can you write a complete story, beginning to end in only one sentence? The sentence can be as short or as long as you would like, but only one period, question mark, or exclamation mark can be used to mark the completion of the sentence.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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