Children Fiction posted October 27, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
The reluctant celebrity

Stanley the Timid Whale Shark

by BermyBye50

The Sentence is the Story Contest Winner 


Stanley the timid whale shark, born with a twinkle in his eye, swam through the deep, exploring the wonders of the ocean, making friends with a colorful array of marine creatures, from the tiny clownfish to the majestic sea turtles, always cherishing the beauty of his underwater world, until one fateful day, when he encountered a group of awe-struck divers who, with their cameras and curiosity, unknowingly turned him into a worldwide sensation, and Stanley, the reluctant celebrity, realized that fame was not the treasure he sought, but the simple joys of his aquatic friends, prompting him to return to the peaceful depths of the sea, forever content in the company of those who truly appreciated him.

Writing Prompt
Can you write a complete story, beginning to end in only one sentence? The sentence can be as short or as long as you would like, but only one period, question mark, or exclamation mark can be used to mark the completion of the sentence.

The Sentence is the Story
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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