Spiritual Poetry posted October 11, 2023

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A free Verse Poem

Dazzling darkness

by JLR

My mind spins as I sit here at three bells past the midnight hour,
My sight is awash in a sea of deep indigo darkness.
Blank with no stars, no margins to determine a beginning,
nor can I assess a foreseeable end.
But to state nothingness lies before me in an endless space, perhaps,
would be a stretch for you, the reader. Yes! Quite a challenge to grasp.
For indeed, one would question how there could be such darkness.
Quite quickly, with the use of the mind's eye, we could manifest the image
of clouds parting to allow for just a peek at long distant stars aglow
or seeing the moon reflecting the Sun as she chases the light from morning until night.
Or else, the sudden flash of light as a nocturnal guest's eye catches
moonbeams bouncing off the water in the creek just down the hill.
However, as I write these words, my vision lies dormant, and I sit,
still awash in a sea of dark indigo darkness.
Lost is all sense of time, lost is all awareness of body,
and lost are emotional sensations. Again, a canvas painted
before me as infinitely unfettered, purely unrestrictive, is dazzling indigo.
Somewhere, sometime between the hour of three and four bells,
as I continued my exploration of this place,
I am conscious that there is a whisper
of movement constantly within this deep sea of darkness;
akin to the motion of a baby's breath lying in repose.
While in the deepest of sleep.
Then, I am consumed by the feeling that I am floating on a river between rivers,
where nothing exists but a depth of Love I never before imagined or experienced.
As wave upon wave carries me deeper and deeper into this sea of dark indigo darkness,
I am aware that this ebb and flow of Love is shimmering from the fringes of infiniteness
toward the very place within my Being where my heart swells and contracts
like waves above and below this river on which I am carried.
Then, I Know I am in the presence of the Holy Holiest!
Finding that I am at utter and complete Peace and Freedom
from anything a mortal such as I  could ever hope to experience
while in this living, breathing shell of self.
Bringing me to my knees in adoration,
understanding that I am at one with God,
awash in the sea of dark indigo darkness.

Free Verse Poem contest entry



A free verse contest entry

Note: my good FS friend, Tom Horonzy suggested a I share: Three to four BELLS would be 90-120 minutes as each strike of a nautical clock is a half hour.
It may help landlubbers what a bell is.
thank you for the use of Milkway by World Travel Photos on FanArtReview.com
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by World Travel Photos at FanArtReview.com

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