Commentary and Philosophy Fiction posted September 6, 2023 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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A chapter in the book The Saga of Procrastination


by Iza Deleanu

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

"How did I fall for the myth of Eldorado again?"

My old Shadow: "What? What happened this time? Who put you on the wrong side of the fence?

Me: Well, since I am officially single, I thought to listen to the fairytales of online dating.

"Not again! That's how you got in trouble the first time."

"I know, but I thought maybe the second time is a charmer..."

"First, you must be a charmer and then do the cobra dance."

"Cobra Dance? You know I can stand snakes."

"How can you? You married one. At least according to the Chinese zodiac. Snake and rabbit, pfu, you stayed alive for too long, girl."

"Well, I am out from the snake coils, so what's next? What works for others doesn't work for me. And the stories I heard about eHarmony... perfect match, the best! I don't know, man. I have no clue. The offering is so lame, or maybe I must be happy with some leftovers perfect for my age and state of mind!"

"Knowing you, you better stay hungry than commit to that!"

"Maybe I am not made for this. Maybe I should forget and enjoy what I have and what I am. Who needs a man when you have two beautiful cats?"

"Is this the fable of the fox, that when doesn't reach the grapes, she says are sour?"

"Do you mean this one? "A fox, almost with hunger dying,
Some grapes upon a trellis spying,
To all appearance ripe, clad in
Their tempting russet skin,
Most gladly would have eaten them;
But since he could not get them,
So far above his reach, the vine?"
'They're sour,' he said; 'such grapes as these,
The dogs may eat them if they please!'
Did he not better than to whine?"

"Exactly, that one!"

"I could improve at this! I have high expectations."

"Well, why don't you come back to earth first? If you want to find true love, you must learn to love yourself and, most importantly, to accept and recognize your weaknesses, too! Before you ask for the sun and the moon, see if you can get them on your own on all fronts, not just the traveling portion. If you want to look good, instead of talking about it, start a workout routine and keep it no matter what? Why don't you get down from that high horse, start looking into the mirror, and finally accept your true self!"

"I will try, but I want my money back! Let's forget online dating, which looks like a silly kids' game. Likes and messages, what the heck are we back in school?"

"Well, if you are so frustrated, cancel the damn service, and leave everything in God's hands. Enjoy what you have and find a psychologist to overcome your fears. Talk them to death if you have to. This is the only way to get your real self back."

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