General Fiction posted July 15, 2023 Chapters:  ...15 16 -17- 18... 

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Jameson finds a divorce attorney.

A chapter in the book Coffee With Iris

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Thirty something, Jameson meets seventy something, Iris. They bond over coffee. This is the story of their unlikely friendship.
This is a novella written in dual first person points of view. Each chapter will be labeled as to who is narrating.

So far, Jameson and Iris have struck up a friendship and meet over coffee on a regular basis. Jameson has told his estranged wife that he is getting an attorney. Iris has changed her will.



What makes a good attorney? Apparently, it's not just having a degree from a prestigious law school. It's using catch phrases like "you don't pay unless we win" and "fighting for your rights since 1987".

There are two family law practices in town. One specializes in divorce. It's a woman named Karolyn Prescott. Immediately, I figure she's one of those feminist types who lumps all fathers into a bin labeled "deadbeat dads". But when I check out her website, I'm pleased to see she has more male clients than females. One of her selling points is, "fights for paternal rights". She is exactly who I need.

I hate that I am doing this, but I can't let Claire push me out of Fin's life like she pushed me out of hers. I make the call.


My appointment with Ms. Prescott is Friday at 9 a.m. She is pleasant, calm and professional. If I didn't know better, I would think she was writing a book about Claire and me.

She pushes her wire rimmed glasses up on her nose and slides her legal pad closer. "Did Claire leave on her own or did you ask her to leave?"

"She left. I was completely caught off guard."

"Are you currently seeing anyone?"


"Any infidelities on either side?"

I look away uncomfortably. I know I haven't been unfaithful but with Claire I can't be certain. Her change had been so abrupt. "I can only speak for me. No, I was never unfaithful."

No comment comes from Ms. Prescott. She just jots my answer down and moves on. "Drug use?"



I shrug. "I have a beer or two occasionally. "

She scribbles something down. "Did she ever express concern?"


She puts the pen down and looks over at me. "Are you still in love with your wife, Mr. Petry? I'm only asking because if there's a chance of reconciliation, we can put this on the back burner, so to speak."

"Yes, I still love her, but we, um, no. There is no chance of that."

She nods once, then picks up her pen to start writing again. "Will you be seeking spousal support or child support?"

I blow out a building sigh. "I don't care about money. I just want to be able to spend time with my son."

Fifteen minutes later I'm sitting in my car, numb, staring out at world. It's still spinning and still moving. Apparently, only my part of the world has stopped.


Iris is already at the coffee shop when I get there. If she hadn't called and asked me to meet for coffee, I would probably just gone home and sunk into a pit of depression.

"Good morning, Iris," I say, forcing a big smile to my face.

"You look chipper. Did you win the lottery?"

I pull out my chair and sit. "How have you been?"

"Fabulous. How's your week been, so far?"

I look over at her. "I told Claire I was talking to a lawyer."

Iris makes a little tsk noise and leans forward. "How did she take that news?"

"Cried. Said she just needed more time. But we've had enough time. Can't keep stalling. She has no intention of reconciling. I guess I've known it all along."

The waitress brings our coffee. I push the caddy over closer to Iris.

"Thank you, love. What does your lawyer say?"

"She says it should be pretty straight forward. Usually, if both parties agree, things don't get too messy."

"I know it's tough, Jameson, but if there's no chance, this is what's best for all of you."

I tap my hand idly on the table top. "Yeah, I know. I just wonder how two people can be in love, start a family and then one day, it just stops. No lead up, no clues, just come home one day and say you need space." I stick the metal spoon beside me into my cup and stir the black liquid. "It doesn't make sense."

"Most of life doesn't make sense. Yet we still fight for every day we can."

"I'm a lover not a fighter."

"You are a father. You will fight for your child."

As much as I want to believe I am a peaceful man, Iris is right. I'll fight tooth and nail for Finny.

Iris sips her coffee. "Ooh, very strong today."

I raise my cup to my lips. "Good, I need a little strength today."

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