Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted July 6, 2023 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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A chapter in the book A Paper Time Capsule

Letter 6

by barbara.wilkey

I'm sharing stories with my granddaughters, now ages three and five as keepsake collection when they're older.
Dear Charlotte and Eleanor,

I knew you before you were born. I spoke with you while you were in your mother's womb and shared how much I already loved you. I hope you still feel that love today.

I watched you go from lying in your crib, to crawling, to walking, to running, and dancing. And dancing you did. You loved to twirl. I hope you still do.

I applauded as you went from simple sounds, to words, to sentences, and then to paragraphs. You found your voice, keep talking.

Your personality was clearly formed from the beginning. Always searching, testing, and making your thoughts known. Never be afraid to speak up for yourself.

From the beginning you were an intelligent, independent girl. I'm curious to see how you continue to develop into the strong, independent young woman, I'm positive you are meant to become.

Lesson learned:

* always stay true to who you are

* Grandma's love is a forever love



Thank you google a poster about grandmas and granddaughters. I would love to post a photo of my granddaughters but my son, Andrew and his wife, Katie don't want the girls' photos on social media. I am honoring that request.

I'm thinking the girls should receive this post while they're in their early twenties.

As I edited this post this week, deleted as many words as possible. I am attempting to stick to the suggested writing prompt and number of words. I've decided to add additional letters where I can go into more details. I'll finish the writing prompt first and then go into more depth and post those letters too.

Thank you for your support and suggestions.

Next weeks prompt: When I was younger, I wish I had known

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