Humor Poetry posted July 5, 2023

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What a bunch of clueless clowns want to lead us...

Dumb and Dumber, Who's Next?

by Reese Turner

To sum up our Executive Branch, 
“Dumb and Dumber” fits, I suggest;
Biden/Harris have set new lows
They are, at least, funny, at best.
Joe’s righteous indignation at
Any questions about his style,
Kamala laughs like a hyena to
Hide a vacuum behind her smile!
They both tend to fall at times
On plane stairs, stages and, well,
Metaphorically speaking, in plain
English. We think, “What the hell?”
Alternative? How ‘bout Jr. RFK?
Senior died over fifty years ago.
Jr. implies he’s the reincarnation?
But, how many now voters know?
You bet Cal’s Newsom is running
Even though claiming he’s for Biden.
Polls show Biden falling so fast, so
Newsom’s the candidate in hidin’…
On the other hand, there is Trump.
Would America really do it again?
His base is strong and all fired up
But, it takes independents to win!
Do we need a POTUS induced nap?
That’s the future with POTUS Pence.
Others also not scoring much G-O-P.
Some Indian guy makes most sense.
America is, frankly, coming apart
But, no inspiring leader is rising.
A proven person, strength and smarts,
Better rise or we’re done, I’m surmising!


Political Senryu writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Political poem. Any type of poem that you wish.

So, one Roman said to the other Roman, "Did you hear about the emporor taking up the violin?" I feel history is again repeating itself. Better laugh while we can...
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