Mystery and Crime Fiction posted June 13, 2023

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What lies beneath the surface of one's life

Secret Lies

by Begin Again

The bloody body lay lifeless on the gurney. The EMT raced through the hospital doors. His voice boomed, "Male, gunshot wound. No pulse."

Expressionless, Heidi spoke, "We've got it."

The staff buzzed around the victim, each doing their job. It was routine. Since the "black widow" prowled the streets, no male was safe after dark. Another one wouldn't see daybreak.



Exhausted, Heidi stared at the skyline. Her dark eyes shifted toward the park where another life had ended. She sighed, slipping off her dress, wondering how many more would die.  

Her fingers caressed the cold gun barrel. "Job well done!"

100 Word Flash Fiction contest entry



Many of us hide bits and pieces of our lives, keeping them separate from our everyday lives. For reasons we only know, we aren't willing to expose everything that transpires with us. In this case, a woman trained to help and save lives found satisfaction in doing the opposite. But it's only fiction...................
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