Essay Fan Fiction posted April 22, 2023

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My passion is writing

I Keep On Writing

by Raul1

Writing to me, is healing and magic. I look at the pages of stories I have to tell. I write for myself and the readers. I have a passion for it. The muses follow me everywhere. I write fiction stories and poems. I never give up typing. I keep at it.
I learn paragraphs, pronunciation, grammar, and etc. It is healing your mind. We write because we want stories to be out there. It is an adventure. I follow my characters, where they take me, and how their problems get solved.
I go to my backyard, find my muse, and write a story. How I tell it, it's up to me. Writing also to me, is to create poetry. I am still learning about writing all types of poetry. I express myself through poems. I learn how to write fiction stories and poems. It's a learning process.
I get better each coming day. My writing is improving. My heart follows the stories I write. It's an endless journey. My characters tell me when their stories end. Others bring up new ones. I am passionate for my stories and poetry. I think I can tell stories better. It is what I do. I will keep on writing and improving on it.

Writing writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story or essay with the topic of "writing". Can be instructional or a character in the story can be a writer. Creative approaches welcomed.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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