General Fiction posted February 22, 2023

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
80 words


by Wils

Tom was tired and dirty after thirty hours of flying but could not hide his excitement. He was home.

Tom had not been back in years and was anxious to see everyone. His sister met him, they had planned to spend a few days together before the relative influx.

Lunch at a favourite hangout seemed appropriate, and Tom was a little jetlagged. Nobody blamed him when he didn’t hear the call.


All of Tom’s family members filled the room.

Surprise! 80 Words or Less writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a complete story in 80 words or less.

The theme is 'Surprise.'

You may incorporate this theme into the story any way you wish, but it must somehow relate to the topic.

A fictional account of true events. I was Tom a fewmonths ago
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