Spiritual Poetry posted December 3, 2022

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What's the difference between ...

To Wonder?.. or To Wonder!

by Tom Horonzy

I wonder if I'll wonder once beyond the grave
if I'll remember Christmas as I do today?

I wonder if I'll wonder if Christ the Lord was born
in a town called Bethlehem, as I had been forewarned?

I wonder if I'll wonder the wonder of His birth
born of the Virgin Mother, the only one on earth?

I wonder if I'll wonder, was He visited by kings
who gave Him gifts of gold and other splendid things?

I wonder if I'll wonder whether a star lit up that night;
a star so bright it pronounced the arrival of 'The Light?'

I wonder if I'll wonder if Jesus was the gift
affording me a Wonder when once I was adrift?

I wonder if I'll wonder if the purpose of His life
was to come to earth and relieve me of my strife?

I wonder if I'll wonder if angels sang his praise;
while shepherds stood in awe, reverently amazed?

I wonder if I'll wonder what made Herod get so mad
to threaten lil' Jesus, who would've made him glad?

I wonder if I'll wonder while kneeling at His feet
why He endured as much to have me feel replete?

I wonder if I'll wonder why I didn't do much more
to lighten up his burden for my sins he gladly bore?

I wonder if I'll wonder how his grief became delight
standing before this Wonder born on Christmas night?

I wonder if I'll wonder why 'my soul' He came to clean
before fully understanding who else could intervene?

No, I'll think I'll "wonder" in a different sort of way
as Jesus my Savior loves 'me,' now and always.

On Christmas day, years ago, the King of Kings was birthed
imploring all to follow Him so peace would rule the earth


Nativity scene snapped by me @ Temple Square, SLC, Utah.

My heart is replete with wonder understanding the how and why Jesus lived and died, not only for me but for all who believe there is more to living than living life mortally.
Why else would we have memories? Families? and opportunities return from whence we came? Of course, that's an issue of faith, isn't it?

Can lil' legitimately be substituted for little. It is now!

Club entry for the "Christmas" event in "God in Your Life".  Locate a writing club.
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