Romance Poetry posted November 10, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
So glad I listen to my inner voice.

Take a Chance

by HarryT

Her girlfriend left, I had my chance
Remember my hands were soaking wet
Inner voice repeated, "Ask her to dance"
Licked my upper lip I tasted salty sweat

My heart was pounding against my chest
Felt my face flush red with flowing fear
Despite my nerves, I continued my quest
I went to her and whispered in her ear...

"Would you like to dance?"
She flipped her auburn hair
Her smile put me in a trance
So happy I took my heart's dare

Lifted her hand, we slow danced
She's forever locked in my heart
So glad I took that nervous chance
Sixty years later we've not been apart

Alternate Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write an Alternate Poem in abab rhyme.
May be any topic and any length

The people along the sand (A)

All turn and look one way. (B)

They turn their back on the land. (A)

They look at the sea all day. (B)
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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