General Poetry posted October 31, 2022

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Hug Your Loved Ones

by pookietoo

Hug your loved ones tight
Each day and every night
Say the words "I  love you
I'm proud of all you do.
Share what is in your mind
Be patient, honest, kind
Say loving words each day;
Thoughtful in what you say.
Don't say words you'll regret
Always forgive, forget.
Take time to squeeze their their hand.
Tell them you understand.
One day they'll leave your side,
See Christ who is your guide.
Listen with all your heart.
Make each each day a brand new start.
Give them comfort and cheer
And help them comfort fear.
Encourage them, give praise.
Love them in many ways.

Rhyming Contest writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Please write a rhyming poem of 3 to 5 stanzas. Please rhyme at least every other line.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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