General Poetry posted July 6, 2022

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Short pathways lead to...

Long Journeys

by Boogienights

Rhyming Poem Contest Winner 
With the hope that my heart would be lightened,
on a journey I took my first step.
I didn't know where I was going,
but my heart said to leap, so I leapt.

I met others on their own journeys,
some would travel with me for a while.
Providing some much-needed comfort,
with a touch, gentle laugh, or a smile.

Still, others were ill on their journey,
sick in body, in spirit, in mind.
Which made paths they took that much harder,
but they persevered, left doubts behind.

There's a young man I know plagued by voices,
in his head they tell him what to do.
His journey is made to discover,
peace of mind before his time is through.

A woman whose heart has been shattered,
seeks a path to find love that she lost.
And though rocky has been her journey,
she'll not give up, no matter the cost.

A man, once well-heeled is now sleeping,
on sidewalks somewhere in the city.
Drink and drugs took him from family,
recovery's path isn't pretty.

Still, others are seeking redemption,
from misdeeds they committed long past.
They're scarred by the pain they caused others,
with forgiveness, they hope it won't last.

A woman with three children ponders,
what she'll do with one more on the way.
A decision she needs and quite quickly,
and she'll live with it all of her days.

For myself, I continue my journey,
to find purpose despite all my pain.
And try to feel I'm not a burden,
try to give so much more than I gain.

A path destiny puts before us,
the way we take shapes who we are.
Before the next step in your journey,
hold with faith and hope, you will  go far.


Rhyming Poem
Contest Winner
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