Supernatural Poetry posted June 8, 2022

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who is my muse? I don't really know.

My Muse Takes Me Places

by jake cosmos aller

My Muse Takes Me Where It Wants to Go! Long Live My Muse

Many creative people
Say that a mysterious unseen force
They label their muse,

Compelled them to create
their art, write their stories
Their poems and their music.

Some writers see their muse
In their head as a real person
With a name and personality.

Others like me
Just sees the muse
As a mysterious hidden creature,
That they never actually see.

Their muse fills their head
And their soul
With tales and poems.

Stories and novel fragments
Often starting in a dream
Or a daydream
Or in nightmares.

Then the muse compels them
to write it down
often at the oddest moments.

And they often go into
almost a trace
Just letting the words flow
From their muse
To their paper or computer screen.

the muse compels
it demands
and the writer's job
is to get out of the way.

let the muse go
where it wants to do
often in dark and sometimes
terrifying places.

but sometimes
in extraordinary places
of beauty and joy.

Non- writers often want to know
What it all means
Why did you write
what you wrote.

The answer that you really don't know
Is the truth
But that is not satisfactory
An answer to many people.

The muse knows what it knows
The writer knows that his muse
Is ultimately in charge.

That is the nature
Of the creative process
Let the muse be free!

My Muse writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem, any length, about your muse. Who or what inspires you to write?

Who is my muse is a difficult question for many writers. We rarely know where we will end up with a piece of writing until we finish it. Then we have to go back and edit it to make it more coherent without losing the spirit behind it.
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