General Poetry posted March 23, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
This was a sunrise that was completely Poem Worthy!


by Debi Pick Marquette

I woke up this morning
With a mysterious vibe
The feeling it gave me
Is hard to describe

I felt a deep sense
Of mystique in the air
When I reached the kitchen

I could see a red glare

I looked out the window
And saw the sunrise
But this one was different
A lovely surprise

The feeling I had
Was not strange at all
It was God telling me
It soon would be Fall

I've seen seasons change
Many times here on Earth
But the older I get
Each one's like new birth

It's a beautiful sign
That God's in control
It gives me the chills
And still heals my soul

My beautiful horizon
Has certainly broadened
This God given Season 
Is a brand new Autumn


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I am always in awe of nature's wonderful existence!
I constantly ask myself, (or my husband) how can anyone be doubtful of where this magnificent poetic beauty came from?
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