General Fiction posted March 22, 2022

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A short story

The watch

by Bridge

As I walked to school a pretty lamp
caught my eyes. Did it work? I found a
button and pressed it. Suddenly it changed colour. I dropped it in fright. As I bent to pick it up, a genie stood in front of me.
"Master ! What can I do for you ?", he asked.
"Umm, I'd like a super power. Ummm, I'd like to be invisible ", I said thinking quickly.
"Easy. Here I'll give you a watch. When you wear it you will be invisible",he said handing me a watch.
"Thanks" , I replied.
Poof ! He disappeared.

I quickly wore the watch . Did it work? I quietly entered the locker room unnoticed. I took off the watch and put it in my pocket. Yes! It did work! No one had seen me enter.

We had a Maths Test first thing in the morning. I hated Maths and especially multiple choice tests.

The test was hard as I'd expected. Then I had an idea. I asked to go to the toilet, went out wore the watch and came back in quietly. I checked out Thomas's answers, went out took off the watch, and came in and quickly marked out my answers before I forgot.

I got the top marks along with Thomas. My parents allowed me to have the sleepover I wanted as a reward.

So you there you have, cheating pays!

Super Powers writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
You have super powers for a day. Write a short story.
Word limit : 250 words
Fiction only
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by simonka at

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