Romance Poetry posted March 19, 2022 Chapters: 5 7 -8- 9... 

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Somonka for the Japanese Poetry Club
A chapter in the book Tanka Collection

~ My Beloved ~

by Gypsy Blue Rose

My Beloved 

Since you left my bed,
waves of longing drown my heart
midst our lovers-scent
in this gray foggy morning
waiting for you, my darling.


Time lost meaning, love
engulfed in this senseless war.
Suffering and hate
envelop my bleeding hands
that yearn to embrace you, love.


SOMONKA is a Japanese verse form of 2 tankas and carries a central theme of love. Created in the 1st century AD. They were the exchange of romantic poems between court lovers.

The elements of the Somonka are: 10 lines made of 2 TANKAS; syllable count: first stanza 5/7/5/7/7 and second stanza 5/7/5/7/7; composed in the form of statement-response; can be written between two poets or one. Start with a TITLE; UNRHYMED; ABOUT LOVE.

The Somonka can be simply an exchange of romantic love poems but can be about all kinds of love: sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, friends, pets, etc ...

SOURCE: click here to read source and more information

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

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Club entry for the "SOMONKA POEM" event in "JAPANESE POETRY CLUB".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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