General Poetry posted January 5, 2022

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Angels are...

Heavenly Gifts

by Boogienights

The angels washed their hair with soapy clouds,
and rinsed it with the warm and gentle rain.
Then donned their whitest robes and joined the choir,
and all in heaven heard their sweet refrain.

The angels then attended to their chores,
they polished every planet, moon, and star.
They watched over the people of the earth,
and answered all the prayers sent from afar.

When Sunday comes it is a day of rest,
they drink their favorite tea with angel cake.
They play the funnest games like hide and seek,
make lovely crafts that only angels make.

God loves his angels, and they serve him well,
they greet heaven's newcomers every day.
They make them all feel welcome now they're home,
and help them feel at ease with all they say.

What makes an angel special? Well, let's see...
They're lovely, pure, and tender from the start,
The love they have for man, it never dies,
for deeply it's engrained within their heart.

I hope when I end up at heaven's gate,
that God will grant to me some angel wings.
And let me joyfully join with their choir,
and lift my voice in praises as we sing.

About Angels. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type about Angels. Rhyming or not it's up to you... Any length is acceptable.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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