Mystery and Crime Fiction posted October 2, 2021 Chapters:  ...62 63 -64- 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Hoping for new beginnings ....
A chapter in the book Secrets in the Wind

Secrets in the Wind - The End

by Begin Again

Book of the Month Contest Winner 

“Thank you for stopping by with an update on Aunt Cynthia, Poppa. I still can’t believe she got involved with someone so sinister as Mason Caldwell. Wanting to get the gold was one thing, but I never suspected her of hurting people.”
“I don’t know if we will ever know the full extent, Michael. There’s no question she got caught up in more than she ever intended.”
“I think Mason’s power and money infatuated her.” Michael stared across the driveway. “She wanted more than what she had.”
“Mason probably led her on, and in the end, he discarded her like so many others.”
“The doctor says he does not know if she will ever come out of the coma. Since I’m her only kin, I guess I’ll stay here and take care of the place, just in case.” Michael stood on the edge of the veranda and stared at the land. “How can someplace so peaceful have so many secrets? And I thought New York was bad.”
“People. It’s all about the people. I think Cynthia would like you to be here.” Poppa had grown to like Michael, and he thought a place to call home was just what the young man needed. “You said you had a letter I should see. What’s it about?”
“I’ve got it right here. Read it yourself and see what you think.” Michael handed Poppa the letter. “While you read, I’ll get us some iced tea, or would you like something stronger?”
“Iced tea is excellent.” Michael entered the house, and Poppa read the letter addressed to Cynthia Wellington.

Dear Ms. Wellington,
Recently, you expressed an interest in obtaining a private investigator license from our sister company. After learning your impressive skills and abilities to uncover the town secrets, my company would like to extend a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to you.
We are launching a unique project and are reaching out to people highly specialized in discovering and getting otherwise hidden agendas of others. Our background checks show your skills are highly compatible with our needs.
If you decide to participate in our project, all communication shared will receive the highest level of secrecy. Our company would provide you with our Investigator License, and you would receive $1000 a week for this undercover research. If you accept our offer, under no circumstances should you share this information with anyone.
In three days, you will receive a courier letter. It will hold your license, instructions concerning the investigation, and a bonus check for $5000 to cover any necessary expenses. If you decline our offer, please destroy the envelope with its contents.
Our company feels you will be exceptional in this project and looks forward to working with you. Any further contact will be thru a private courier.
Madison Braxton III

It was apparent to Poppa this Madison Braxton the Third had enticed Cynthia to investigate someone or something in the quiet town of Hayden by seducing her with a secret project and Private Investigator license.
Cynthia, the Private Investigator. It was a perfect fit. Illegal or not, she was a bloodhound on a hot trail when she got the scent of a secret in the wind.
It all made sense. Cynthia would have fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. It was perfect. Could it be what almost got her killed? Was Mason her target? I wonder who this Braxton guy is and what was he hoping Cynthia would find?
Poppa needed to check in with Garth and let him know about the letter. He wasn’t sure it would lead to anything, but his boss needed to know there was still someone else out there interested in Hayden.
Francesco’s Italian Restaurant was a popular place for business meetings and dinners. Its open floor plan, Italian decor, upscale menu, and soft instrumental music added a special touch for every diner. The owners set aside another secluded room divided into private nooks for the patrons, who wanted a more intimate setting. Burning logs crackled in the circular fireplace in the center of the room. A wall of rocks with soothing water trickling down the stones and dim lighting welcomed the couples. Warm candlelight flickered on every table. Romance hung in the air.
Allie waited for Garth in the restaurant’s vestibule. Every man walking through the front door looked her way and openly appreciated her beauty.
Allie smiled at her reflection in the mirror. The “little black dress” saved for special occasions was perfect, highlighting every soft curve and movement she made. Her jewelry consisted of simple teardrop diamonds with a matching clip in her hair. She’d chosen a two-inch heel tonight, not wanting to tower above her cowboy.
A shrill ring blasted from inside her black leather clutch. She snapped the latch and reached inside for her cell phone. “Hello.”
The cowboy at the other end of the phone asked, “Hi, beautiful. Are you already at Francesco’s?”
“Yes, I’m a punctual girl. It appears you don’t fall into that category. You said 8, right?” Allie waited for his excuse.
“I know, but with everything that’s been going on, I’m running a little behind schedule. Michael uncovered some unexpected information concerning Cynthia, and he gave it to Poppa to pass it on to me.” Garth paused, “And Sofia admitted Dr. Copeland’s nurse picked up a large package from Mason’s house once a month. Sofia swears she didn’t know what was in it. My guess is the nurse picked up the poisonous vials and exchanged them with the real ones without the good doctor ever knowing.”
“So, is this call to tell me you are standing me up?” Allie bit her lip, waiting for his answer. “Are you still working the case?”
“Never. I am looking forward to a quiet evening with you, and who knows where it will lead.” Garth smiled, “I haven’t felt this good in weeks. And you are the perfect woman to make it even better.”
“Slow down, cowboy. You need to wine and dine the lady first.”
“I’m in no hurry.” Garth’s drawl was low and sexy, “But you are the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“That’s highly unlikely. But it will get you a few extra points.” Allie chuckled. “You need them, especially after the way you treated me this morning.”
“I apologized, didn’t I? I was not too fond of the idea of you running off somewhere without me. Especially since you didn’t even mention it.”
“I hadn’t made any definite plans. When you came into the rose garden, I was thinking about Jasmine and our last conversation. You distracted me—”
“Oh, so I distracted you. My boyish charm was more than you could handle, maybe?” Garth lowered his voice. “There’s more where that came from.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. It was the food and the beer. I was most definitely thirsty.”
“You were thirsty alright, but it wasn’t for the beer if I remember right.” Garth pulled into the parking lot.
Allie could hear his quick intake of breath and a chill ran across her neck and shoulders.
“I’ll apologize again if you would like because I can’t wait to wrap my arms around you.”
“You are a smooth talker.” Allie closed her eyes and whispered into the phone. “Just keep on talking, and we might entertain breakfast.”
“Promise?” Garth laughed. “I’m almost there. I reserved a secluded table near the window. The hostess is Emily, and she knows which one.”
“You’re on a first-name basis with the hostess. Does that mean you bring all your dates here?”
“Oh no. It just means I stopped in earlier and told Emily I wanted a private room with the full view of the moon and stars.”
“Oh, you do have a romantic bone or two. Sounds wonderful.”
“Ask Emily to seat you, so you don’t have to stand and wait for me. See you in about five minutes. I’m parking right now.”
“Can’t wait!” Allie ended the call and stepped over to talk to Emily, who spoke before Allie could say anything.
“You must be Allie. Your cowboy described you perfectly. He’s quite smitten with you.”
A warm blush covered Allie’s cheeks. “He’s running a few minutes late and suggested I wait at our table. Is that okay?”
“Of course, follow me.” Emily escorted Allie, pausing at the entrance to the dining area to allow another couple to pass by.
“It’s so beautiful.” Allie took in her surroundings; the crackling logs in the fireplace, the sparkling chandeliers, cascading water, and the sheer lacy curtains providing privacy for each table. It reminded her of a restaurant she’d visited in Italy.
“The cowboy did good.”
Emily nodded and continued into the room.
Standing just outside a private table for two, Emily stopped and let Allie step into the nook. “Enjoy your evening.”
A slight tingle ran down Allie’s spine, and she felt a warm flush creeping across her body and her face. Her ruby lips formed a big smile.
“Hmmm, he can be romantic. The night looks promising.” The flickering candles reflected in her eyes, and her face glowed with anticipation.
A bottle of champagne, two glasses, and a single red rose sat on the table with a note attached. Allie chose the chair where she could see Garth when he arrived. She picked up the note, eager to discover what he might have written. The message was puzzling.
“Allie, You deserve to be in movies.”
It wasn’t the message she had expected, but she had little time to think about it. She waved at Garth, dressed in a slim-fitting, charcoal gray suit with a light gray vest and matching Stetson, as he followed Emily to their table.
He removed the Stetson, placing it on a side table, and kissed her cheek before sitting. “Wow, what’s this?” He was impressed by the table setting.
Allie looked puzzled. “You didn’t do this?”
“No, but I wish I’d have thought of it.” Garth studied the champagne label. “Someone’s got great taste. Expensive, but great.”
Allie handed Garth the note. “This was with it. I don‘t know who would send it or what it means. Did you tell anyone where we were going?”
“Only Tango and Poppa, but I assure you they have neither the finesse nor the money to pull anything like this off. Maybe I should ask Emily.”
Allie recognized the ringtone sounding from her purse. “I’m sorry. It’s Jasmine. I haven’t heard from her in months.”
“Go ahead. Answer it, or you’ll fret all night about it.”
Allie smiled. “You know me, don’t you?” Allie answered the phone, and a video of Jasmine at an identical table played across the screen. There was a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and a rose on the table. A man’s hand pressed against Jasmine’s arm. Jasmine looked very frightened.
“Jaz, What’s wrong?” Fear choked Allie.
Jasmine screamed, “Help me.”
The sound of a gunshot echoed as the video ended.
A gun fired again, but this time a bullet pierced the restaurant window, shattering glass across Allie and Garth’s table. Garth grabbed Allie and pulled her to the floor as the entire room erupted in chaos.
Wrapped in Garth’s arms, Allie stared at a blank screen and screamed her sister’s name, “Ja-aa-zz!” before bursting into hysterical tears.


Book of the Month
Contest Winner


It's been a terrific ride for me, and I hope you feel the same as a reader. I thank you for supporting my writing and enjoying the story. Everyone's help, suggestions, support, and "cheers" have been amazing and greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you soon. Book 4 is about to begin.

Smiles and hugs, Carol
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