Spiritual Non-Fiction posted December 25, 2020

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Dear God contest entry

A Letter to My Savior

by dovemarie

Dear God, I pray that you will continue to grant me good health, physical, mental and spiritual, for the coming year. I am still grieving over my son's not wanting to have any communication with me, and I pray every day before the Blessed Sacrament that you will answer my prayers and open up the lines of communication between him and myself again. Thank you for being with me as I studied Child Psychology earlier this year, and for the classes in Wills, Trusts & Estates and Introduction to Italian that I pursued this semester that has just ended. I was described as being "a woman of faith" by my priest and spiritual director. I'm afraid this is not always true. Doubt comes in plenty of times; sometimes I wonder if you are even really there present in the White Wafer I adore in Adoration! EspecialIy when I feel that my prayers are not answered or not being heard, or when I hear you say "no" to some of my requests. I am grateful for my friends, and also for the seasonal job I have had for six years. This Christmas season has been blessed. I received gifts that were useful and of meaning to me. I was glad I could be the reader (lector) at Christmas Eve Mass. My friends Rachel and Alicia invited me to their respective apartments so I could enjoy a meal with them and some other friends on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I sang a Christmas song to them over the phone that I wrote a few years ago. They were delighted. I had a telephone interview about a job a couple of days ago. Hoping for a positive response. I am still inspired to write poetry, and I am working on a new book entitled "Poetic Treasures and Dreams." I had words with a fellow lector last month, and we didn't speak for a month, then she and her husband sent me a Christmas card and I sent them one. Forgiveness freely given. I will continue my days of Adoration, and keep on praying perseveringly. You have sent weather that has been beautiful for New England in December. My hope is that you grant me the gift of final perseverance, and that I will see You and Your Blessed Mother and Your adoptive father with all the Angels and Saints in the next life.

Love and Blessings,

Your adopted daughter, Donna

Dear God, writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a letter to God expressing your most pressing concerns and/or questions believing with all your heart and soul, that He will receive, read and answer you. Your letter does not necessarily have to be be a request. Just a sincere heart to heart will do.

Prose only.

Thanks to Elena Mullagaleeva from Pixabay for photo.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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