General Poetry posted December 10, 2020

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Favorite time after the gathering, the two us by the fire.

After the Gathering

by HarryT

House filled with gingerbread, cinnamon spice and pine tree scents
Each of the grandchildren filled with Christmas present suspense
Excitement of receiving gifts, and tearing paper fun
We gratefully receive the thank you and kiss from each one

When the enjoyable hubbub, and clean-up is finished
After the children play, their exuberance diminished
Happily they put their toys away not a single pout
All leftover are sorted, neatly packed and handed-out

After the last family is packed and out the front door
While I get the Oreck cleaner and vacuum the floor
Lorie makes her special Creme de menthe cocoa drink
We sip cocoa by crackling fireplace, close our eyes and think

We're lucky to have family share our Christmas beliefs
As we sigh a tired, but happy sigh of grateful relief


Christmas writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Rhyming poem about your favourite thing about Christmas.
It could be food, The tree, Film, sweets, snow, religion etc
Dedicate your poem to why it is such an important part of Christmas for you.
Anything goes as long as it Rhymes.

We love having the family together to celebrate Christmas, but our favorite thing is hot cocoa and remembering the good time had with the children as we sit alone and sip hot cocoa by a blazing fire.
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