Starts & Stops the next round

Starts and Stops the next round

I find myself with too many sentences to manage, so I thought I would share them with everyone. The rules are pretty simple so lets just get down to it.

1. This is a prose competition, which means absolutely no poetry.
2. You must choose one of the sentences below to be the first sentence of your story.
3. You must choose one of the sentences to be the last sentence of your story.
4. YOU MAY NOT ALTER THE SENTENCES IN ANY WAY WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF PUNCTUATION. Let me make this perfectly clear. You may not add, subtract or mangle the sentence in any way other than punctuation.
5. Must be a minimum of 500 words
6. Must not exceed 5000 words
7. The competition entry must make sense on its own. If your contest entry is a chapter for a collection or book that is fine, but it must be able to stand on its own. The reader needs to understand what is happening without the use if notes to fill in missing knowledge.

I think it is clear as to what is expected. One word of warning. There is a small trap in the sentences. Make sure your verb tenses and point of view choices are consistent with the sentences you choose. Flopping back and forth between first person and third or past to future needs to make sense in the story. Choose your sentences wisely.

Okay enough of that. Here are the sentences to choose from.

1. You've got a piece of my heart on your face.
2. I am always one step from starving.
3. If she ordered him to kill himself, he would be dead before she could blink.
4. I was aching with fever from kissing the damned.
5. Well this is just craptastic!
6. The way his voice caressed her name made me tremble.
7. I am not a decoration for your manhood.
8. He caressed her dress like a holy man reading the Bible in Braille.
9. This could be the difference between what you need and what you want.
10. I am not going to spend my life being a color.
11. You haven't seen the best of me yet.
12.His eyes scanned her face as if it was a million miles of heaven.
13. How could you go when you know what could have been?
14. I think my head is caving in.
15. I see you're still shackled to the shadows.
16. I didn't think you'd ever get tired of me.
17. She clung to her brother, as he was the only one keeping her sane.
18. It hurts too much to love you.
19. The meadow had swallowed their innocence leaving them lost and empty.
20. Would it be okay if I crashed here tonight?

Okay, y'all have your assignment now get to work ;-D. Really though if there are questions or anything than let me know. I will check here often or you can PM me. Please, do not wait for the last second to post your entry. If there is a problem or you didn't follow the rules, I would love to have time to tell you so it can be fixed. I HATE disqualifying people when it could have been prevented.

Have a great time

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 36.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Saturday, October 17, 2009.

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