20-letter Teacup Dictionary Poem

In celebrating Fanstory's 20th Anniversary, let's write a Teacup Dictionary Poem but the word you use must be a 20-letter word.

You can find instructions at this website:

There you will find a great example by Fanstory?s Just2Write.

Anorexia (five syllables) -- This is the title

Low self esteem (four syllables)
Too skinny (three syllables)
Starving (two syllables)
Waif (one syllables)
Dying to be thin (five syllables and observation)

- written by Just2Write
Note that this word is only five syllables and your teacup will be longer. For example, if you use, "internationalization," your poem will have 8 lines since the word which is the title has 8 syllables. Please center your poem so that the teacup shape will show.

Also, Sandra Du Plessis writes a Teacup Dictionary Poem regularly. You can see her book at : https://www.fanstory.com/displaystory.jsp?hd=1&id=940707

You can find a list online such as yougowords.com (It?s not secure so I list the words here)

abetalipoproteinemia, buckminsterfullerene, compartmentalization, tetrahydrocannabinol, hyperlipoproteinemia, semiautobiographical, internationalization, compartmentalisation, electrogalvanization, hypercholesterolemia, uncharacteristically, undiscriminatingness, counterrevolutionary, internationalisation, immunohistochemistry, unsubstantialization, hyperadrenocorticism, Heterobasidiomycetes, antiestablishmentism, oophorosalpingectomy, overenthusiastically, incontrovertibleness, histoincompatibility, palatopharyngoplasty, disproportionateness, chemicomineralogical, counterdemonstration, electrocardiographic, adrenocorticotrophin, keratoconjunctivitis, unimpressionableness, undiscriminativeness, pseudohermaphroditic, nephroangiosclerosis, adrenocorticotrophic, indistinguishability, counterrevolutionist, iodochlorhydroxyquin, electroencephalogram, philosophicojuristic, nonrepresentationist, admonisheddefinition, paleoanthropological, lipochondrodystrophy, intercommunicational, magnetohydrodynamics, amateurfunkfernsehen, anthropomorphization, and acetylcholinesterase

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 72.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

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