Fanstory Review

Write an op-ed, essay or article, if you will, reviewing Fanstory and your experience here. I'm not necessarily looking for slams against the site, although if that's your bent, go for it. If you have criticism, a good essay should include your ideas to correct. Hopefully, some will point out the positives here. Perhaps there are benefits overlooked or forgotten by the membership that should be explored.

( An "op-ed" is an Opinion piece or an editorial like you would find in your local newspaper, for instance in the Opinion section. I had to ask, so in case you do too.)

This is YOUR review, write it as you wish.

Do NOT disparage ANY member by name or inference. That is an immediate disqualification. This isn't an opportunity to air a grievance against a particular member. Feel free to rant, but be careful to NOT insult or injure anyone.

Remember, the best reviews, even critical ones, offer solutions and suggestions for improvement.

No poetry or fiction. This is strictly non-fiction, your opinion.

Present as you will, but this is certainly a competition where WORDS rule the day.

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 90.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Sunday, July 15, 2018.

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