Satirical senryu

Poetry Contest
Write a humorous senryu.

Senryu (also called human haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. Senryu is usually written in the present tense and only references to some aspect of human nature or emotions. They possess no references to the natural world and thus stand out from nature/seasonal haiku.

-no special effects whatsoever
-one illustration
-two color presentation (one for text, one for background)
-use only fanstory basic or advanced editor
-no author's notes

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool which is based on the number of entries. The second and third place winners will each share the remaining prize pool. The prize pool is currently 35.00 member dollars. There are 11 spots still open. If all open spots are used the prize pool will be 90.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Sunday, June 25, 2017.

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