My Life in words

All of my poems of release.
by Jaq Cee
Words can create... (Jaq Cee)
Chapter 1

A Haven or Hell.

Posted May 12, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
822 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Sometimes your mind needs de-cluttering.
Chapter 2

My Mind

Posted August 5, 2012
General / Poetry
928 views | 8 reviews

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The sort of darkness we all feel at times.
Chapter 3

Tortured Soul.

Posted August 5, 2012
General / Poetry
940 views | 4 reviews

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How this illness permeates your life.
Chapter 4


Posted August 6, 2012
General / Poetry
926 views | 7 reviews

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About the effect childhood abuse has through the childs life
Chapter 5

Life Stealer.

Posted August 6, 2012
General / Poetry
911 views | 7 reviews

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A couple who fell in love online, but illness didn't allow.
Chapter 6

Love Unfair

Posted August 7, 2012
General / Poetry
895 views | 2 reviews

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The imagination is a powerful thing.
Chapter 7

Shadows and noise.

Posted August 7, 2012
General / Poetry
927 views | 2 reviews

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The beauty of the eagle flying.
Chapter 8

Majesty in flight.

Posted August 24, 2012
General / Poetry
965 views | 6 reviews

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It's all in the mind. :)
Chapter 9

Perfect World!!

Posted August 9, 2012
General / Poetry
876 views | 6 reviews

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The dangers of the world wide web!!
Chapter 10

On-line Predator

Posted August 11, 2012
General / Poetry
917 views | 10 reviews

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Indie Skreet our.. by Jaq Cee
Chapter 11

Jewish Nun. (free style)

Posted May 9, 2013
Humor / Poetry
942 views | 26 reviews

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Farewell Ray... (see notes)
Chapter 12

The 'MeterMan' - free verse.

Posted May 9, 2013
Humor / Poetry
840 views | 13 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Indeed it did... (by Jaq Cee)
Chapter 13

Hodie Integritate Mortuus Est

Posted May 8, 2013
General / Poetry
813 views | 11 reviews

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When darkness falls.....
Chapter 14

The Death of a Poet.

Posted May 7, 2013
General / Poetry
829 views | 10 reviews

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Goodbye to our Ray of sunshine... (see notes)
Chapter 15

Earl of Oxford

Posted May 7, 2013
General / Poetry
901 views | 20 reviews

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Free-style with rhyming... (see notes) Jaq Cee
Chapter 16

Who do you think you are?

Posted May 6, 2013
General / Poetry
849 views | 14 reviews

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An old dalliance...
Chapter 17

Charismatic man-child

Posted May 1, 2013
General / Poetry
815 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Not for the faint-hearted.... (see notes)
Chapter 18

Beautiful Release.

Posted April 30, 2013
General / Poetry
870 views | 22 reviews

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Belonged to my Gran. (see notes - Jaq Cee)
Chapter 19

My Keepsake.

Posted April 29, 2013
General / Poetry
810 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

What wins the battle of... (see notes, Jaq Cee)
Chapter 20

Reality V Virtual

Posted April 29, 2013
Humor / Poetry
901 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

When our...
Chapter 21

Passions Fulfilled!

Posted April 28, 2013
Romance / Poetry
889 views | 10 reviews

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Indie and Mrs. Dark AKA...
Chapter 22

Thelma and Louise.

Posted April 26, 2013
Humor / Poetry
930 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 23

No Looking Back.

Posted April 26, 2013
Self Improvement / Poetry
935 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I could...
Chapter 24

See You!

Posted April 25, 2013
General / Poetry
873 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

You were my... (rhyming couplets, by Jaq Cee)
Chapter 25

Dream Lover.

Posted April 24, 2013
Romance / Poetry
922 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I'm.... (free-verse, Jaq Cee)
Chapter 26

Sinking into Nothingness

Posted April 24, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
1006 views | 10 reviews

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She's... (Free- style fun write for my mate)
Chapter 27

Indie-structably Strong.

Posted April 23, 2013
Humor / Poetry
912 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 28

Forgive = Live.

Posted April 22, 2013
Spiritual / Poetry
971 views | 12 reviews

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Walk a mile..... (Jaq Cee)
Chapter 29

In their shoes.

Posted April 25, 2013
General / Poetry
996 views | 17 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Who can be... (read author's notes)
Chapter 30

Judge and Jury?

Posted April 19, 2013
Letters and Diary / Poetry
983 views | 17 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 31

Take My Hand.

Posted April 18, 2013
Commentary and Philosophy / Poetry
942 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

For my friend Rondeno...
Chapter 32


Posted April 18, 2013
General / Poetry
990 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I'm... (see author notes)
Chapter 33


Posted April 17, 2013
General / Poetry
1011 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Love is my...
Chapter 34

Achilles Heel.

Posted April 17, 2013
Romance / Poetry
1052 views | 16 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Please say a prayer...
Chapter 35

For Boston xx

Posted April 16, 2013
General / Poetry
962 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

My new boss...
Chapter 36

The Harridan!!

Posted April 16, 2013
Humor / Poetry
952 views | 13 reviews

Certificates Active: None

You were my...
Chapter 37

Almost Lover

Posted April 13, 2013
General / Poetry
941 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I'm not...
Chapter 38

Beyond Reproach

Posted April 13, 2013
General / Poetry
931 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 39

Lonely Life.

Posted April 12, 2013
General / Poetry
1019 views | 10 reviews

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Now I see...
Chapter 40

Where I used to be.

Posted April 11, 2013
General / Poetry
933 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
The Irony of...
Chapter 41

The Iron Lady!!

Posted April 11, 2013
General / Poetry
1121 views | 6 reviews

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Our life is mapped out from...
Chapter 42

Cradle to the Grave

Posted April 9, 2013
General / Poetry
937 views | 12 reviews

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The folly of
Chapter 43

Adam and Eve.

Posted April 9, 2013
General / Poetry
973 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Indie Skreet or ...
Chapter 44


Posted April 6, 2013
General / Poetry
1169 views | 27 reviews

Certificates Active: None

My daughter, my life...
Chapter 45


Posted April 6, 2013
General / Poetry
948 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

All I see is..
Chapter 46

Locked In

Posted April 1, 2013
General / Poetry
933 views | 12 reviews

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Beautiful butterfly.
Chapter 47

Haiku (Butterfly)

Posted March 28, 2013
General / Poetry
947 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

You showed me the...
Chapter 48

Dance of Love.

Posted March 28, 2013
Romance / Poetry
1037 views | 20 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Life has been a...
Chapter 49

Coloured Existence

Posted March 27, 2013
Self Improvement / Poetry
872 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Do meds really help?
Chapter 50

Sunshine rays on Prozac days.

Posted March 24, 2013
General / Poetry
914 views | 9 reviews

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Draped in...
Chapter 51

Satin and Lace.

Posted March 24, 2013
General / Poetry
922 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Yes you did...
Chapter 52

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Posted March 23, 2013
General / Poetry
911 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 53

See me!!

Posted March 22, 2013
General / Poetry
893 views | 8 reviews

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We will be perfect...
Chapter 54

You and I. (free style)

Posted March 22, 2013
Romance / Poetry
934 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Do you... (Free style)
Chapter 55

Deserve Me?

Posted March 21, 2013
General / Poetry
896 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 56

Stepping into Tomorrow. (free style)

Posted March 21, 2013
Self Improvement / Poetry
904 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I thought... (sexual reference)
Chapter 57

We had it all?

Posted March 20, 2013
Romance / Poetry
901 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 58

Stay with me.

Posted March 20, 2013
Romance / Poetry
919 views | 12 reviews

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Let''s be the...
Chapter 59

The Runaway Lovers

Posted March 19, 2013
Romance / Poetry
909 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

today and every day...
Chapter 60

You thrill me.

Posted March 18, 2013
Romance / Poetry
1002 views | 23 reviews

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At a Baptism today...
Chapter 61

Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison.

Posted March 17, 2013
General / Poetry
914 views | 7 reviews

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It's not so original....
Chapter 62

Original Sin.

Posted March 16, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
974 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
301 words...
Chapter 63

Embarrassing Mom!!

Posted March 16, 2013
General / Non-Fiction
1006 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

free style
Chapter 64

I will wait.

Posted March 12, 2013
General / Poetry
951 views | 16 reviews

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Free verse (fiction)
Chapter 65

To love, or not to love...

Posted March 10, 2013
General / Poetry
879 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free Style.
Chapter 66

Passion flawed? (Revised title)

Posted March 7, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
995 views | 25 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Lost in a world of...
Chapter 67

Wondering Why? (free style)

Posted March 7, 2013
General / Poetry
991 views | 14 reviews

Certificates Active: None

ABC poem
Chapter 68

Noah's Ark.

Posted March 11, 2013
General / Poetry
909 views | 11 reviews

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All consuming love.
Chapter 69

Melt into me.

Posted March 5, 2013
General / Poetry
942 views | 16 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Something needs to be done...
Chapter 70

Eco Murder.

Posted March 3, 2013
General / Poetry
950 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

See Authors notes...
Chapter 71

Turn to me. (Free verse)

Posted February 20, 2013
General / Poetry
1090 views | 17 reviews

Certificates Active: None

...for our blatant negligence.
Chapter 72

Nature's Revenge

Posted February 14, 2013
General / Poetry
1031 views | 21 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Sacrificial Lamb of God...
Chapter 73


Posted February 14, 2013
General / Poetry
983 views | 3 reviews

Certificates Active: None

...from out of the ashes and darkness.
Chapter 74


Posted February 12, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
1070 views | 18 reviews

Certificates Active: None

free style
Chapter 75

He died for us...

Posted February 26, 2013
General / Poetry
913 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

How I hope it will be...
Chapter 76

New Love

Posted February 8, 2013
General / Poetry
901 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

My daughters wedding...
Chapter 77

Perfect Day - Free Verse

Posted February 8, 2013
General / Poetry
993 views | 18 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A wee look at how I see loneliness.
Chapter 78

Lonely Life

Posted February 4, 2013
General / Poetry
989 views | 9 reviews

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To my friend TammyGail so missed on the site...
Chapter 79

'Queen of Metaphors'

Posted January 28, 2013
General / Poetry
1027 views | 26 reviews

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Reality check...
Chapter 80

This is War.

Posted January 27, 2013
War and History / Poetry
1007 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

New outlook...
Chapter 81

Sunshine after the rain.

Posted January 27, 2013
General / Poetry
1004 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Deserted farm...
Chapter 82

Farmhouse blues.

Posted January 24, 2013
General / Poetry
947 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

To be set free...
Chapter 83

Float away.

Posted January 24, 2013
Commentary and Philosophy / Poetry
900 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

The scary undead...
Chapter 84


Posted January 22, 2013
General / Poetry
939 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Suffering of the young one's...
Chapter 85

Pernicious People

Posted January 31, 2013
Biographical / Poetry
1000 views | 21 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Alone or just quiet?
Chapter 86


Posted January 21, 2013
General / Poetry
916 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Follow the brightens...
Chapter 87

Neon Souls.

Posted January 18, 2013
General / Poetry
923 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Emotional overload...
Chapter 88

Broken Ballerina.

Posted January 16, 2013
General / Poetry
886 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Inspired by mruss1's wonderful poem, 'Twenty Six'.
Chapter 89

God Bless The Little Ones.

Posted January 13, 2013
General / Poetry
1045 views | 18 reviews

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Why I began writing... (135 words)
Chapter 90

Catharsis complete.

Posted January 12, 2013
General / Poetry
975 views | 18 reviews

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I think the birds have it right :)
Chapter 91

haiku(as winter winds howl)

Posted January 11, 2013
General / Poetry
941 views | 4 reviews

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How do you cope...
Chapter 92

Wide, Scary World.

Posted January 10, 2013
General / Poetry
981 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

One step forward, two back...
Chapter 93

Losing the Light.

Posted January 5, 2013
General / Poetry
925 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Feel the need...
Chapter 94

Come a little closer.

Posted January 2, 2013
General / Poetry
919 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Oh, yes that's it...
Chapter 95

Where was I again?

Posted December 31, 2012
General / Poetry
947 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 96

Nemesis no more.

Posted December 29, 2012
General / Poetry
995 views | 13 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Acrostic poem.
Chapter 97


Posted December 28, 2012
General / Poetry
993 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

free style
Chapter 98

Love's Hope.

Posted December 28, 2012
General / Poetry
954 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 99

Pondering Life

Posted December 27, 2012
General / Poetry
944 views | 10 reviews

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Chapter 100

Pure Love

Posted December 24, 2012
General / Poetry
985 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

5-7-5 poem about Christmas.
Chapter 101

Senryu (Children's laughter)

Posted December 23, 2012
General / Poetry
1041 views | 6 reviews

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No one does it like Bing.
Chapter 102

Christmas Wishes.

Posted December 22, 2012
General / Poetry
995 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Time slips away...
Chapter 103

Sands of Time.

Posted December 20, 2012
General / Poetry
991 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
Contest entry.
Chapter 104

(Lune) Piece missing.

Posted December 19, 2012
General / Poetry
1091 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free verse
Chapter 105


Posted December 19, 2012
General / Poetry
951 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

It's all about them :).
Chapter 106

Teenage Years.

Posted January 3, 2013
General / Poetry
1059 views | 29 reviews

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Does God have a part to play?
Chapter 107

Celestial Love?

Posted December 15, 2012
General / Poetry
970 views | 6 reviews

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How we venture forth is part choice, part destiny.
Chapter 108

Life's Journey.

Posted December 15, 2012
General / Poetry
967 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Beautiful season to look at.
Chapter 109

Senryu (Winter's Blanket)

Posted December 14, 2012
General / Poetry
1015 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

The dawning of another day.
Chapter 110

The Creation.

Posted December 14, 2012
General / Poetry
1015 views | 5 reviews

Certificates Active: None

For mruss1...
Chapter 111

A Friend Indeed.

Posted December 13, 2012
General / Poetry
1098 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

The love of a psychopath
Chapter 112

You killed my soul.

Posted December 13, 2012
General / Poetry
983 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

What finding FS means for me. Free verse.
Chapter 113

'Virtually' Home.

Posted December 12, 2012
General / Poetry
905 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free verse
Chapter 114

Eaten Up.

Posted December 10, 2012
General / Poetry
982 views | 12 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free verse
Chapter 115

Passion's Feel.

Posted December 10, 2012
General / Poetry
956 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Acrostic poem.
Chapter 116


Posted December 9, 2012
General / Poetry
962 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A nonet.
Chapter 117

My Daughter.

Posted December 7, 2012
General / Poetry
941 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Amid Wild Waves.
Chapter 118

Light of Hope.

Posted December 4, 2012
General / Poetry
1038 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Sometimes it's for self-preservation. (Read notes)
Chapter 119

The Hardest Goodbye.

Posted December 4, 2012
General / Poetry
1003 views | 17 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I love to feel the snow on my face.
Chapter 120

haiku(snow falls gently down)

Posted December 3, 2012
General / Poetry
1055 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A prison of your own making?
Chapter 121


Posted December 3, 2012
General / Poetry
950 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

People are confusing.
Chapter 122

Chaos of the mind - 5-7-5

Posted December 2, 2012
General / Poetry
999 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Do we ever understand them?
Chapter 123

Mind Games.

Posted November 30, 2012
General / Poetry
947 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Unhappy quiet.
Chapter 124

Lonely Tears.

Posted November 28, 2012
General / Poetry
1034 views | 14 reviews

Certificates Active: None

2-2-2-2- 9-9 poem
Chapter 125

Santa's Reindeer.

Posted November 28, 2012
General / Poetry
1044 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Double Clerihew
Chapter 126

Slapstick Charlie.

Posted November 27, 2012
General / Poetry
1031 views | 3 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Kind of lost just now...
Chapter 127


Posted November 26, 2012
General / Poetry
981 views | 13 reviews

Certificates Active: None

The Irish spirit is fierce through adversity. - (free verse)
Chapter 128

an Gorta Mór

Posted November 22, 2012
Biographical / Poetry
904 views | 5 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Prompted by mruss1's poem, What, When and Where..
Chapter 129

You're not alone.

Posted November 21, 2012
General / Poetry
901 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

War is Hell!!
Chapter 130

Noises of War

Posted November 19, 2012
War and History / Poetry
1030 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Chapter 131

Beautiful Body. (free verse)

Posted November 18, 2012
General / Poetry
890 views | 6 reviews

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So many children go off the rails.
Chapter 132

Prodigal child.

Posted November 18, 2012
General / Poetry
1019 views | 5 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Acrostic poem.
Chapter 133


Posted November 16, 2012
General / Poetry
973 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Oh to feel this way again...
Chapter 134

Love like no other.

Posted November 15, 2012
General / Poetry
968 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A higher love?
Chapter 135

Melting minds.

Posted November 14, 2012
General / Poetry
907 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

For my friend.
Chapter 136

Walk with me... (free verse)

Posted November 14, 2012
General / Poetry
888 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Snowmen arrive...
Chapter 137

Haiku(snow alights)

Posted November 13, 2012
General / Poetry
972 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

The Bard o' Ayrshire.
Chapter 138

Rabbie Burns

Posted November 13, 2012
General / Poetry
1002 views | 5 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Always tell someone.
Chapter 139


Posted November 12, 2012
General / Poetry
982 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Tone deaf is one way to describe me.
Chapter 140

5-7-5 (singing in the rain)

Posted November 11, 2012
General / Poetry
1072 views | 14 reviews

Certificates Active: None

In the minutes after loving... (free verse)
Chapter 141


Posted November 7, 2012
Romance / Poetry
929 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

For ElizaM...
Chapter 142


Posted November 7, 2012
General / Poetry
973 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

As winter gives way to spring.
Chapter 143


Posted November 6, 2012
General / Poetry
935 views | 4 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Will he escape?
Chapter 144

Tommy's Turkey Trot.

Posted November 6, 2012
Children / Poetry
1031 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Foggy thoughts...
Chapter 145

Tumultuous Mind.

Posted November 5, 2012
General / Poetry
934 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Words can mean so many things.
Chapter 146

My Words!!

Posted November 4, 2012
General / Poetry
925 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

How one person can shred your very being!!
Chapter 147

Mentally Imprisoned.

Posted November 4, 2012
General / Poetry
911 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Political verbal diarrhoea.
Chapter 148

Senryu(lies not truths)

Posted November 3, 2012
General / Poetry
964 views | 9 reviews

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For all earthbound and heavenly Angels.
Chapter 149

Friends and Angels.

Posted November 3, 2012
General / Poetry
942 views | 16 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Love explained?
Chapter 150

A wonderful feeling.

Posted November 2, 2012
General / Poetry
960 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Sucking the life from the working people.
Chapter 151

Senryu (Bad politicians)

Posted November 1, 2012
General / Poetry
994 views | 2 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
Don't Stop.
Chapter 152

Your body belies your words.

Posted November 2, 2012
General / Poetry
983 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free verse *(edited version)
Chapter 153

In the dawning of the day.

Posted October 31, 2012
General / Poetry
929 views | 6 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Free Verse...
Chapter 154

Thoughts Awry.

Posted October 31, 2012
General / Poetry
998 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

An off the cuff rant.
Chapter 155

Mother's Love.

Posted October 30, 2012
General / Poetry
913 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Leave the old behind...
Chapter 156

Summer Breeze

Posted October 30, 2012
General / Poetry
967 views | 13 reviews

Certificates Active: None

TG your words inspire,
Chapter 157

A wordsmith extraordinaire.

Posted October 26, 2012
General / Poetry
929 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

How I felt a while back.
Chapter 158

Do I believe? (Nonet style)

Posted October 25, 2012
General / Poetry
978 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Hope he's better soon.
Chapter 159

My Dad.

Posted October 24, 2012
General / Poetry
1012 views | 16 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Everyone needs to know they've done enough.
Chapter 160

Who will weep?

Posted October 22, 2012
Commentary and Philosophy / Poetry
928 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
Hubble bubble...
Chapter 161

haiku(hear the keening wails)

Posted October 22, 2012
General / Poetry
1043 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

How deceptive a still river can be.
Chapter 162

tanka (silent, still, clear)

Posted October 21, 2012
General / Poetry
988 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A new beginning dawns.
Chapter 163

Lantern of Hope

Posted October 21, 2012
Biographical / Poetry
915 views | 9 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Sometimes lust seems the only option.
Chapter 164

My Love Hope.

Posted October 24, 2012
General / Poetry
923 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

My daughter as a child.
Chapter 165

senryu (what wondrous sight)

Posted October 19, 2012
General / Poetry
1010 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Consoling a friend.
Chapter 166

I Feel Your Pain.

Posted October 18, 2012
General / Poetry
983 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Check before you enter unasked.
Chapter 167

Hapless Thief.

Posted October 17, 2012
Humor / Poetry
965 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I'm a Libran, very indecisive.
Chapter 168

So much choice.

Posted October 17, 2012
General / Poetry
1130 views | 23 reviews

Certificates Active: None

A lover's lament.
Chapter 169

One last time.

Posted October 16, 2012
General / Poetry
1029 views | 15 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Halloween chills.
Chapter 170

Yonder graveyard gate.

Posted October 15, 2012
General / Poetry
940 views | 10 reviews

Certificates Active: None

I don't like the consistency of tomatoes.
Chapter 171

Tomato Gloop!

Posted October 12, 2012
Humor / Poetry
913 views | 7 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Contest Winner
My ex.
Chapter 172

Narcissistic You!

Posted October 11, 2012
General / Poetry
1392 views | 27 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Gods Messengers.
Chapter 173


Posted October 10, 2012
General / Poetry
957 views | 3 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Halloween is the Zombie holiday.
Chapter 174

Haiku(Rotting Fetid Flesh)

Posted October 10, 2012
General / Poetry
1156 views | 11 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Are muses either dark or light?
Chapter 175

Dark Muse.

Posted October 9, 2012
General / Poetry
1022 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Words that wake you from sleep
Chapter 176

Night Writer.

Posted October 8, 2012
General / Poetry
893 views | 8 reviews

Certificates Active: None

Just a wee crack at humour. (*Slight edit)
Chapter 177

Senryu (you watch me crying)

Posted October 8, 2012
Humor / Poetry
999 views | 9 reviews

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Lost love.
Chapter 178

My love?

Posted October 7, 2012
General / Fiction
1053 views | 4 reviews

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Writing can be interpreted so many different ways.
Chapter 179

What do you see?

Posted October 6, 2012
General / Poetry
895 views | 3 reviews

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We still feel young inside...
Chapter 180


Posted October 6, 2012
General / Poetry
961 views | 4 reviews

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A wondrous time of year.
Chapter 181

(Haiku) Autumn Leaves

Posted October 7, 2012
General / Poetry
974 views | 2 reviews

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An acrostic poem.
Chapter 182

Ice Maiden

Posted October 5, 2012
General / Poetry
1021 views | 6 reviews

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Censorship = Big Brother.
Chapter 183

Voicebox Stilled.

Posted October 3, 2012
General / Poetry
970 views | 9 reviews

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Censorship is never right.
Chapter 184

Bitter Quill.

Posted October 2, 2012
General / Poetry
944 views | 5 reviews

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Sometimes people break your heart with no thought.
Chapter 185

Bleeding Heart.

Posted October 2, 2012
General / Poetry
910 views | 9 reviews

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Do we ever learn?
Chapter 186

You died for what?

Posted October 1, 2012
Spiritual / Poetry
894 views | 3 reviews

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Dreaming of your special one.
Chapter 187

Do you dream of me?

Posted October 1, 2012
Romance / Poetry
1036 views | 4 reviews

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I needed to fight to regain 'me'. (Read authors notes first)
Chapter 188

Stop! Now!

Posted September 30, 2012
Biographical / Poetry
1015 views | 8 reviews

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My daughter, my life.
Chapter 189

Darling Child.

Posted September 30, 2012
Family / Poetry
936 views | 5 reviews

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Chapter 190

Vortex of wind.

Posted September 29, 2012
General / Poetry
944 views | 3 reviews

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About being robbed of a life, A cathartic piece.
Chapter 191

Life's Wonderful Dance??

Posted September 29, 2012
General / Poetry
941 views | 13 reviews

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I'm a bit wary of bats.
Chapter 192

Night terror.

Posted September 28, 2012
General / Poetry
1040 views | 7 reviews

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Good or bad they are full of memories.
Chapter 193


Posted September 27, 2012
General / Poetry
882 views | 9 reviews

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How carefree we feel whilst gliding by.
Chapter 194

Skating along.

Posted September 27, 2012
General / Poetry
977 views | 4 reviews

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How we are coerced into wars.
Chapter 195

Bodies of War.

Posted September 26, 2012
General / Poetry
944 views | 7 reviews

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How I see an abuser.
Chapter 196

Insidious Spirit.

Posted September 25, 2012
General / Poetry
1089 views | 4 reviews

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Guilt-ridden because I can't cry.
Chapter 197

Ability to care.

Posted September 25, 2012
General / Poetry
886 views | 7 reviews

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Just a simple verse for my Dad.
Chapter 198

My plea.

Posted September 18, 2012
General / Poetry
969 views | 9 reviews

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Good food is my Achilles heel.
Chapter 199

Every last morsel.

Posted September 16, 2012
General / Poetry
1023 views | 7 reviews

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How I envisage a Guardian Angel.
Chapter 200


Posted September 16, 2012
General / Poetry
946 views | 3 reviews

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Heaven or Hell? Will we know the difference?
Chapter 201

Image of Hell.

Posted September 15, 2012
General / Poetry
895 views | 8 reviews

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A short poem about someone leaving you.
Chapter 202

Without warning.

Posted September 14, 2012
General / Poetry
1066 views | 4 reviews

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Free verse poem.
Chapter 203

The Hangman Cometh.

Posted September 13, 2012
General / Poetry
963 views | 12 reviews

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How I think it would be.
Chapter 204

Touching Love.

Posted September 12, 2012
General / Poetry
1000 views | 12 reviews

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About how people are rarely how they seem over the internet.
Chapter 205

Conditioned Love.

Posted September 7, 2012
General / Fiction
942 views | 6 reviews

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