How Hitler Almost Won The War
His evil philosophy still embraced today.18 total reviews
Comment from Chris Davies
Great job, Sally. It surprises me how little people know about recent history. We seem to have lost the lessons learned during that awful episode. If you can expose the truth through your writing, you've done a great service.
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2019
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Great job, Sally. It surprises me how little people know about recent history. We seem to have lost the lessons learned during that awful episode. If you can expose the truth through your writing, you've done a great service.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2019
Thank you, dear Chris. I am honored again by your outstanding review and encouraging comments. My goal was to expose truth and bring it into our modern day. It?s hard to tie years of war into a concise piece of journalism. This was one of the most ambitious and difficult things I have ever written. Thanks again, for you support.
All my best,
Sal :+)
Comment from Rob Caudle
Miss Sally, Much appreciation for writing the piece I know it could not have been easy. You are so right we once again find ourselves on the precipice of a world order devoid of spiritual values. For all men with eyes dare them to see, and in their denial, they shall condemn themselves. Lets us hope that our president can continue to lead us away from the cliffs his enemies would have us stampede over.
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2019
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Miss Sally, Much appreciation for writing the piece I know it could not have been easy. You are so right we once again find ourselves on the precipice of a world order devoid of spiritual values. For all men with eyes dare them to see, and in their denial, they shall condemn themselves. Lets us hope that our president can continue to lead us away from the cliffs his enemies would have us stampede over.
Comment Written 11-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2019
Thank you so much for the excellent review and insight. I just posted part two about one minute ago. I hope you can catch it. A long and hard write for me...emotionally draining. Thanks for your support.
All my best,
Sal :+)
Comment from C. Gale Burnett
This is a timely write at this time in history. Yes, history can and does repeat itself. I love that quote, and you were brilliant in starting your story citing it.
-I believe you told me more in this one story than I had ever learned about Hitler and the Holocaust;
-Your story was based on fact;
-Your message is a critical one and well-delivered. Our nation needs to take heed. The warning signs are already here of history repeating itself. The background on Hitler's mission was critical to this story, and what an exceptional job you did in delivering this!
-outlining Hitler's weapons was brilliant and crucial to the story;
-propaganda: 'Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda'. This subject that you wrote on is so critical to where you are going in your next story. Maybe I'm older and much more interested, but I don't remember having learned much about Goebbels. So, thank you! I am disgusted with the media and see it for what it is just as you do. I believe many would agree.
-'the purging of conscious moral thought; Amen, amen, amen. A slap to God's face, resulting in the destruction of man.
Sal, I can't wait to read this story as it continues on. God bless you and thank you for writing on this subject matter!!!!
I really love this! No BS.
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2019
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This is a timely write at this time in history. Yes, history can and does repeat itself. I love that quote, and you were brilliant in starting your story citing it.
-I believe you told me more in this one story than I had ever learned about Hitler and the Holocaust;
-Your story was based on fact;
-Your message is a critical one and well-delivered. Our nation needs to take heed. The warning signs are already here of history repeating itself. The background on Hitler's mission was critical to this story, and what an exceptional job you did in delivering this!
-outlining Hitler's weapons was brilliant and crucial to the story;
-propaganda: 'Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda'. This subject that you wrote on is so critical to where you are going in your next story. Maybe I'm older and much more interested, but I don't remember having learned much about Goebbels. So, thank you! I am disgusted with the media and see it for what it is just as you do. I believe many would agree.
-'the purging of conscious moral thought; Amen, amen, amen. A slap to God's face, resulting in the destruction of man.
Sal, I can't wait to read this story as it continues on. God bless you and thank you for writing on this subject matter!!!!
I really love this! No BS.
Comment Written 10-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2019
Dearest, thank you so much. I need your support as part two is even more telling. It it so good of you to really read this and review it. It is long and deep. I heart is sad that our nation has fallen to the lies, the exact same ones Hitler and Goebbels spewed. My weapon is my pen and prayers,enabling me to stand in these dark times. Thanks for standing with me and being the marvelous person you are.
Comment from HealingMuse
Hi Sally,
Exemplary piece you've crafted here, my friend.
I really appreciate you taking on such a tough topic and addressing it so succinctly.
Absolutely nothing here appears to be out of place to warrant me suggesting revisions.
You sure nailed it with this one!
Thank you for sharing your great work. I only wish I had a 6er to award.
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2019
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Hi Sally,
Exemplary piece you've crafted here, my friend.
I really appreciate you taking on such a tough topic and addressing it so succinctly.
Absolutely nothing here appears to be out of place to warrant me suggesting revisions.
You sure nailed it with this one!
Thank you for sharing your great work. I only wish I had a 6er to award.
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2019
Thank you my dear healingmuse. I appreciate the excellent review and kind words. I am honored you took the time to read it, it was long. I am working on part two right now and hope to have it posted soon.
All my best to you and yours. I hope you are well and good.
Sally :+)
Hi Sally,
You are most welcome for the review, my friend!
Not read such a great work? (Looking around to see who Sally might be talking to... LOL)
I'm looking forward to Part II!
Thanks again for taking the bull by the horns with this one, Sally!
Comment from Donka Kristeva
You've penned a historical documentary that seems to have been shuffled side, and it is right on time. The information is mind boggling and so very needed in the confusion of fact vs fiction. And you've revived a historical time that many would not choose to look in the face. The opening quote from George Santayna is very prophetic.
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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You've penned a historical documentary that seems to have been shuffled side, and it is right on time. The information is mind boggling and so very needed in the confusion of fact vs fiction. And you've revived a historical time that many would not choose to look in the face. The opening quote from George Santayna is very prophetic.
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
Thank you dear Donka. Your review and kind encouragement means so much. This took me a week to write but worth it. I feel it?s so needed right now in the United States. We are in the battle between the righteous and evil in governance, especially with abortion rights. I am in the process of writing chapter two.
All my best,
Sal :+)
Hello Sally, I read you part 2 of "The Boiling pot", but unfortunately I cannot review it or give comments. First I am European and as such, strongly disagree that the atmosphere in Hitler's Germany can be compared to that of US today. Many reasons, but I will not go into them. My view is that only those who know by experience the two systems and their respective countries can pronounce an opinion. Second, I am Canadian by adoption. Canada is very different from the US - I lived there for 2 years and was very homesick for Canada during these 2 years. (no offence) As well I can never compare Sir W. Churchill to Donald Trump. There was a British movie about Churchill a couple of years ago and the Brits have given, as they only can, a faithful portrait of their leader who- here I agree with you- saved Britain and the world from Hitler's madness. So forgive me, just wanted to say hi and that I read it - as a literary piece of information you've done a great job.
God bless
Comment from Mastery
Good job, Sal. Of course I think I knew most of this already, but it is always good to get back up opinions and information garnered from witnesses and survivors. I will be waiting for your next part. bless you, Bob
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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Good job, Sal. Of course I think I knew most of this already, but it is always good to get back up opinions and information garnered from witnesses and survivors. I will be waiting for your next part. bless you, Bob
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
Thank you so much for excellent review, It always good to hear from someone who can appreciate history and also a Marine. World War II and the Bible history are where my interests rest, although I appreciate all history. We have many historians here on FanStory, too. A good group of folks to read and learn from. I?m working on part two right now. Probably a week...
All my best,
Sal :+)
Good, Sal. :) Bob (I love history...hated it in school. LOL)
All I did was take history classes in high school.some times two and three a semester. Love it.
Comment from damommy
Well written and shows you did a lot of research. I feel the propaganda machine is targeting our school children today. That's the easiest way to destroy a nation, through the next generation. I'm frightened by these new laws about child murder. I hope President Trump can do something about this. We've surpassed the evil of Sodom and Gomorrah with great strides.
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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Well written and shows you did a lot of research. I feel the propaganda machine is targeting our school children today. That's the easiest way to destroy a nation, through the next generation. I'm frightened by these new laws about child murder. I hope President Trump can do something about this. We've surpassed the evil of Sodom and Gomorrah with great strides.
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
Thank you for the excellent review and encouragement. I am in great distress about this new abortion law in New York. This is murder in the first. It it sickeningly reminiscent of the attempted genocide of the Jewish people during WW2. My next installment will speak of this. I consider you a sister and appreciate your support in my work.
All my best,
Sal :+)
Thank you, Sally. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the news about this new law. What has the world come to. If this murder is legal, why isn't all murder? How can they justify making such a law? Unbelievable!!!!
I know. Hitleresque in every way.
Comment from djeckert
I'm so excited to see that you are tackling this issue and with such thoroughness. It's an issue that has been festering in my mind everyday for probably years now. How the general population that lacks discernment is unable to see this bizarre flip flop, where the ones claiming the "opposition" to be "Hitler" are actually of the "spirit of " Hitler themselves. The masses don't see, or understand how the Satanic spirit that was behind and supporting Hitler back then never really went away, ( of course, we know why) and how they are still in power and again making another big move. But the PTB have found themselves in this weird position where they are trying to expose Hitler, by being Hitler. I think that is waking many people up , but yet confusing the hell out of many others. I hope your part two ( or more) goes in to things like project paper flip (rhymes with flip , but starts with a "c" ) or the operation bratline, ( take away the "b" ) I think it is called. I know this probably seems a bit paranoid, but back in the day when I used to waste time on the old FB "eye" , while having a good long chat with some chaps, when those two terms entered the conversation, I almost literslly watched the whole conversation and post and every sign of it disapoear off of my timeline and everyone else's who was in the post. That was probably six years ago. I can only imagine how much more the A.I censoring algorithm has advanced.
I'd gladly help you with finding resources on this in any way you see fit. But again , you are tackling a big and important subject , praise God. The most I have really touched on this "flip flop" , is my weird poem "A watched pot that none dare call boiling" . Which plays somewhat on the great verses in Isaiah 5: 20-21.
Bless you my Sister
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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I'm so excited to see that you are tackling this issue and with such thoroughness. It's an issue that has been festering in my mind everyday for probably years now. How the general population that lacks discernment is unable to see this bizarre flip flop, where the ones claiming the "opposition" to be "Hitler" are actually of the "spirit of " Hitler themselves. The masses don't see, or understand how the Satanic spirit that was behind and supporting Hitler back then never really went away, ( of course, we know why) and how they are still in power and again making another big move. But the PTB have found themselves in this weird position where they are trying to expose Hitler, by being Hitler. I think that is waking many people up , but yet confusing the hell out of many others. I hope your part two ( or more) goes in to things like project paper flip (rhymes with flip , but starts with a "c" ) or the operation bratline, ( take away the "b" ) I think it is called. I know this probably seems a bit paranoid, but back in the day when I used to waste time on the old FB "eye" , while having a good long chat with some chaps, when those two terms entered the conversation, I almost literslly watched the whole conversation and post and every sign of it disapoear off of my timeline and everyone else's who was in the post. That was probably six years ago. I can only imagine how much more the A.I censoring algorithm has advanced.
I'd gladly help you with finding resources on this in any way you see fit. But again , you are tackling a big and important subject , praise God. The most I have really touched on this "flip flop" , is my weird poem "A watched pot that none dare call boiling" . Which plays somewhat on the great verses in Isaiah 5: 20-21.
Bless you my Sister
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
A watched pot that none dare call boiling indeed. I am going to use that if you don?t mind. I will quote you verbatim. This article needs to be viewed through the soulful lens of the eye. The Bible says, the lamp of the body is the eye, therefore if the eye is dark, the whole body is full of darkness. My paraphrase. I?m amazed what people got out of this. But, it just showed me how much more specific I need to be in part two. Yes, I see what you are talking about in the very conversations of those who site Hitleresque behaviors and words, yet by there very actions, votes and support, get behind those who do those very things they claim to be against. Pray for me as I write part two. I want to be clearer than ever.
Thank you for the outstanding review godly insight. I appreciate you, my brother.
Sal :+)
Comment from Mustang Patty
Hi, Sally,
You've done your research and you have facts to back up your opinions. I'm not sure everyone on the site will agree with you - we have a lot of folks who believe Mr. Trump is doing good things.
I've been saying it's just like the late 30s and 40s for almost two years.
Will we be able to stop him? Or will Americans be as blind as the Germans?
Thank you for sharing - I look forward to Part Two,
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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Hi, Sally,
You've done your research and you have facts to back up your opinions. I'm not sure everyone on the site will agree with you - we have a lot of folks who believe Mr. Trump is doing good things.
I've been saying it's just like the late 30s and 40s for almost two years.
Will we be able to stop him? Or will Americans be as blind as the Germans?
Thank you for sharing - I look forward to Part Two,
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
Well, perhaps you misunderstood me. I believe that our President is doing many good things. He is standing up the rights for the unborn, upholds our constitution and God granted freedoms. He is trying to maintain our sovereignty and secure our borders. Socialism is akin to Hitler and it is being esteemed among liberal progressives. Liberal progressive democrats are using and calling for brute force to attack those who support President Trump while eating dinner in a restaurant or sporting a MAGA cap. The Brownshirts have been revived...and there is nothing more Hitleresque. He is also standing up to President Maduro of Venezuela who is really killing his people in cold blood and starving them to death. Trump is no Hitler, not even close. Part Two may surprise you.
Thank you for review. I appreciate your insight. It has been most enlightening.
Comment from LovnPeace
Amazing writing and research my friend. I am with you. I can't see how anyone can deny what happened or where we are headed. I see so much denial of truth in people I know. It is beyond me how they do it. God Bless you for writing this. Barbara
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
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Amazing writing and research my friend. I am with you. I can't see how anyone can deny what happened or where we are headed. I see so much denial of truth in people I know. It is beyond me how they do it. God Bless you for writing this. Barbara
Comment Written 08-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2019
Thank you so much for the outstanding review and your support in my writings. I know you are a kindred spirit to me in many ways. I appreciate you and your wise insightful comments.
All my best,
Sal :+)
Backatcha sweet friend. Blessings, Barbara