Deductive Reasoning
Male myth on female Logic19 total reviews
Comment from jgemini
Dear Marisa3,
Your essay, Deductive Reasoning, is professionally written with enough wit, wisdom and humor to keep the reader gobbling line after line, through to the end. I enjoyed your writing style, and appreciated the quotations you provided to back up your assertions. I only wish that you might have addressed the huge differences between the rights & privileges enjoyed by American women of today, v. Arab women, for example. You wouldn't have to go back 50+ years to cite the kind of cultural and societal absurdity that forces women to wear ridiculous clothing, & follow bizarre demands on pain of extreme punishments, including death. These horrors are happening to Arab/Muslim, and other women, NOW. And I find that very often these foreign cultural injustices are glossed over in college courses and media pieces, etc., and this bothers me a great deal. So, that said, I want to stress again how very much I admire your writing, which I found to be flawless in every respect, except for the somewhat politically correct limitations of your subject. I notice that the PC treatment usually tends to knock American culture over minor issues, while leaving other cultures off the hook for far worse. I'm a patriot, as well as a fan of honesty and critical thinking, so I can't help but consider such things important. But, please, believe that I am also a true fan of your very excellent writing ability. Really, you are a genuinely talented writer. Good luck & be well!:)
All the best to you!
-J :)
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
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Dear Marisa3,
Your essay, Deductive Reasoning, is professionally written with enough wit, wisdom and humor to keep the reader gobbling line after line, through to the end. I enjoyed your writing style, and appreciated the quotations you provided to back up your assertions. I only wish that you might have addressed the huge differences between the rights & privileges enjoyed by American women of today, v. Arab women, for example. You wouldn't have to go back 50+ years to cite the kind of cultural and societal absurdity that forces women to wear ridiculous clothing, & follow bizarre demands on pain of extreme punishments, including death. These horrors are happening to Arab/Muslim, and other women, NOW. And I find that very often these foreign cultural injustices are glossed over in college courses and media pieces, etc., and this bothers me a great deal. So, that said, I want to stress again how very much I admire your writing, which I found to be flawless in every respect, except for the somewhat politically correct limitations of your subject. I notice that the PC treatment usually tends to knock American culture over minor issues, while leaving other cultures off the hook for far worse. I'm a patriot, as well as a fan of honesty and critical thinking, so I can't help but consider such things important. But, please, believe that I am also a true fan of your very excellent writing ability. Really, you are a genuinely talented writer. Good luck & be well!:)
All the best to you!
-J :)
Comment Written 07-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
I do thank you for your kind review and in-depth comments.
I agree with you that the plight of Arab women and women in many other countries is one of archaic oppression and that they do not enjoy the equality we women in America are privileged to enjoy. However, I think that is a subject onto itself and maybe one you should consider doing a piece on, as you seem quite passionate about the subject.
In this particular piece I was simply trying to remind our male counterparts that we are equal to them in intellect and ability to reason. These are things that need to be kept in the forefront, even when so much progress has been made. I still encounter the males who have stereotypical views about women and how we process things.
Again, I thank you for your well thought out review. It is obvious that you are a gifted writer and I look forward to reading your posts.
How nice to discover that you're a truly lovely person, as well as a fine writer. Thank you for your graciousness and understanding. And of course, you are right. I'll be looking for more from you. Best of luck in the contest. -J :)
Comment from elliejean
I love your logic. I grew up in a family of women's libbers. They just didn't know it. My great-grandmother was a mule-skinner and raised seven manly boys alone. My grandmother did motorcycle stunts in a circus. My mother did car stunts for movies Then there was me, the cop lady.I did not know women were supposed to be inferior. But maybe there may not have been a man with the courage to say it. Great work.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
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I love your logic. I grew up in a family of women's libbers. They just didn't know it. My great-grandmother was a mule-skinner and raised seven manly boys alone. My grandmother did motorcycle stunts in a circus. My mother did car stunts for movies Then there was me, the cop lady.I did not know women were supposed to be inferior. But maybe there may not have been a man with the courage to say it. Great work.
Comment Written 07-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2013
Wow! What a great family you grew up in; definitely way ahead of the curve when it came to equality of the genders. What you didn't know was the best thing of all, because it isn't true to begin with.
Thank you for this great review and especially your wonderful comments, I greatly enjoyed it.
Comment from Just Alyx
Using Sherlock's quote about women made me laugh straight up. Great opening. This tickled my feminist side in a world cluttered with boys' club maniacs *groan* I liked the humour mixed with the informative and examples from the fifties. The only crit I would offer is that it fell a little too much into the more informal toward the end, but I still enjoyed it and the "I am woman" quote as the closing.
My current take on brainpower is the same: neurological damage aside, we all have the same amount, and it's how much we've trained and use it that decides the individual's 'intelligence', not the gender. 'Smart' men know that, of course, and it pisses some of them off. Lots :) That's reliably when their sexism kicks in as a defence mechanism. Luckily, the same as women, not all men are alike. Give me a guy who doesn't feel the need to prove himself constantly. Those who do usually make lousy fathers too because they even compete with their own *kids* ugh.
Congrats on the SOM nom and much luck in the comp -- it wouldn't surprise me if you got a few male votes on this ... but we'll never know, ha. Comic-ironic, isn't it? Alyx.
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
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Using Sherlock's quote about women made me laugh straight up. Great opening. This tickled my feminist side in a world cluttered with boys' club maniacs *groan* I liked the humour mixed with the informative and examples from the fifties. The only crit I would offer is that it fell a little too much into the more informal toward the end, but I still enjoyed it and the "I am woman" quote as the closing.
My current take on brainpower is the same: neurological damage aside, we all have the same amount, and it's how much we've trained and use it that decides the individual's 'intelligence', not the gender. 'Smart' men know that, of course, and it pisses some of them off. Lots :) That's reliably when their sexism kicks in as a defence mechanism. Luckily, the same as women, not all men are alike. Give me a guy who doesn't feel the need to prove himself constantly. Those who do usually make lousy fathers too because they even compete with their own *kids* ugh.
Congrats on the SOM nom and much luck in the comp -- it wouldn't surprise me if you got a few male votes on this ... but we'll never know, ha. Comic-ironic, isn't it? Alyx.
Comment Written 05-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed the piece overall.
I was trying to find middle ground with this piece and not make it about a rant, because that really was not my intention. Also, too many stats and technical jargon might tend to lose the attention of the reader.
I wanted to be informative while also being entertaining. I may have fallen a bit short in my attempt to attain duel goals.
Couldn't have been too bad to be selected as a *Story of the Month* entry :) No worries, you're welcome.
Comment from Otto Loewi
It's interesting you mention Sherlock Holmes' feelings about women, but was he referring to their powers of deduction? In one of the more popular Holmes' stories, he was outsmarted by Irena Adler.
I'm actually a neuroscientist, and I can say there are very modest differences between the average male and average female brains. And these differences are usually subject to plasticity. Typically men are better with numbers, and women are better with words. But that's not always the case. I, for example, always performed poorly in my math classes, but always received high marks in English. I can't think of anyone in recent history who believes women are INCAPABLE of deductive reasoning; however, there was a book published several years ago (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus) which, if I recall correctly, concluded that men tend to make decisions based on logic, while women tend to make decisions based on emotion. Neither are necessarily incorrect ways to go about solving a problem, but they are different. Also, I'm not sure if that claim would remain true today, with more and more women entering fields related to business or engineering and men getting in touch with their "feminine" side. These are all generalizations.
ANYWAY, this was written rather well. I enjoyed the references to sitcoms of the 50s and 60s that represented antiquated views of gender roles in the United States. It also infused this piece with a certain degree of humor.
And, the moral of the story is "Never judge a book by its cover."
Fantastic work.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2013
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It's interesting you mention Sherlock Holmes' feelings about women, but was he referring to their powers of deduction? In one of the more popular Holmes' stories, he was outsmarted by Irena Adler.
I'm actually a neuroscientist, and I can say there are very modest differences between the average male and average female brains. And these differences are usually subject to plasticity. Typically men are better with numbers, and women are better with words. But that's not always the case. I, for example, always performed poorly in my math classes, but always received high marks in English. I can't think of anyone in recent history who believes women are INCAPABLE of deductive reasoning; however, there was a book published several years ago (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus) which, if I recall correctly, concluded that men tend to make decisions based on logic, while women tend to make decisions based on emotion. Neither are necessarily incorrect ways to go about solving a problem, but they are different. Also, I'm not sure if that claim would remain true today, with more and more women entering fields related to business or engineering and men getting in touch with their "feminine" side. These are all generalizations.
ANYWAY, this was written rather well. I enjoyed the references to sitcoms of the 50s and 60s that represented antiquated views of gender roles in the United States. It also infused this piece with a certain degree of humor.
And, the moral of the story is "Never judge a book by its cover."
Fantastic work.
Comment Written 15-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2013
One of the few women Holmes had respect for was Irena Adler. She appeared to be his equal when it came to brain games.
Since I reside in Texas I can say with certainty that the pat on the head and sweet little darlin attitude regarding women is still alive and well. However, society as whole does appear to have accepted that women can actually employ deductive reasoning.
I remember the Mars Venus book and I even read it and he did conclude that men tend to make decisions based on logic, while women tend to make them based on emotion.
I did say in my author's notes that there are fundamental difference between the genders and I applaud these differences. It's just that I still see this myth being perpetuated around me, so I thought it would be a good topic to write about.
Thank you for taking time to pen such a clear and thoughtful review. I greatly appreciate it.
Comment from visionary1234
This is a fabulous write, Marisa! Great magazine article - erudite, funny, informed, and drives a good point home - equal equal equal thank you so much, and bravo for the differences. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! :)Sharyn
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
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This is a fabulous write, Marisa! Great magazine article - erudite, funny, informed, and drives a good point home - equal equal equal thank you so much, and bravo for the differences. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! :)Sharyn
Comment Written 15-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2013
I'm always pleased when you enjoy something I have written, Sharyn. Thank you for this great review.
Comment from donkeyoatey
Is it not a sad thing that sociatal beliefs have strangled half of our being? I personally am married to a Lady who is smarter than I and able to fix anything amazes me! I always told out daughter that women are in tune with nature more than men, and that is why they cryeasier. Life is yin and yang, one is nothing without the temepering of the other. Perhaps, some men are afraid they will not match up to some women, therefore, it is easier to attack? I think this is an excellent article, well written,well stated.Thanks for choosing my artwork! Donkeyoatey
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
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Is it not a sad thing that sociatal beliefs have strangled half of our being? I personally am married to a Lady who is smarter than I and able to fix anything amazes me! I always told out daughter that women are in tune with nature more than men, and that is why they cryeasier. Life is yin and yang, one is nothing without the temepering of the other. Perhaps, some men are afraid they will not match up to some women, therefore, it is easier to attack? I think this is an excellent article, well written,well stated.Thanks for choosing my artwork! Donkeyoatey
Comment Written 14-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
You are definitely one of our precious enlightened ones and I just love what you said to your daughter about women and crying.
Thank you for this most thoughtful review and your generous rating.
I loved your artwork and it was just perfect for this piece.
Comment from mizzkris20
This is a very enjoyable article which is well presented.
You bring out some very important issues that we face everyday
Let us face it, there are fundamental differences between the genders and I am all for those differences, they make life interesting.
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
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This is a very enjoyable article which is well presented.
You bring out some very important issues that we face everyday
Let us face it, there are fundamental differences between the genders and I am all for those differences, they make life interesting.
Comment Written 14-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
I am happy that you enjoyed this piece. I really tried to present it with as much logic and reason as possible, since that was the subject matter at-hand.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful review.
Comment from beccabootie123
WOW I was glued to this story so well done can see why you are ranked so high. makes my writings seem very amateur.
"thank you for writing and sharing your view, let it be known I agree with you!"
thank you for putting this out there for me to read
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
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WOW I was glued to this story so well done can see why you are ranked so high. makes my writings seem very amateur.
"thank you for writing and sharing your view, let it be known I agree with you!"
thank you for putting this out there for me to read
Comment Written 14-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
Im' so pleased that you liked this piece. Thank you for your very kind review.
Comment from MegPalmer
Fantastic! This is the second of your essays that I have read and loved. Well written, even in passion. Hard to do. I will give a "shout out" to my husband, however, who always supports and respects me through my endeavors, professional and otherwise. When our son was born I labored at home for twenty four hours with his love and support. What a man, huh? Love the essay.
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
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Fantastic! This is the second of your essays that I have read and loved. Well written, even in passion. Hard to do. I will give a "shout out" to my husband, however, who always supports and respects me through my endeavors, professional and otherwise. When our son was born I labored at home for twenty four hours with his love and support. What a man, huh? Love the essay.
Comment Written 14-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2013
Hopefully you noticed in my author's notes that I did acknowledge those men that do not subscribe to these outdated views. Certainly your husband falls in that category, as do many men.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the piece and I love your review
Comment from Dave M
This is an excellent article, well reasoned and presented. I remember the fifties all too well. I can't understand why anybody would want to bring them back.
BTW, do you remember a sappy song (male voice) called "Time to get ready for love." I also have a pair of comments:
"...and make sure his 2nd [second] death was slow and painful." It is not good to use low numerals in writing. One rule of thumb says to reserve numerals for numbers greater than 100.
"It is flexible, malleable and changeable," she said. The start quote should come out.
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2013
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This is an excellent article, well reasoned and presented. I remember the fifties all too well. I can't understand why anybody would want to bring them back.
BTW, do you remember a sappy song (male voice) called "Time to get ready for love." I also have a pair of comments:
"...and make sure his 2nd [second] death was slow and painful." It is not good to use low numerals in writing. One rule of thumb says to reserve numerals for numbers greater than 100.
"It is flexible, malleable and changeable," she said. The start quote should come out.
Comment Written 13-Jan-2013
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2013
Ah yes, you mean Wives and Lovers - a Burt Bachrach Hal David song .... "Hey! Little Girl Comb your hair, fix your makeup
Soon he will open the door. Don't think because there's a ring on your finger You needn't try anymore. For wives should always be lovers too. Run to his arms the moment he comes home to you
I'm warning you..."
I remember it well my friend. How about those lyrics?
So glad you found this piece entertaining.
Thanks for the comments; I have taken care of them already. I so appreciate you putting a close eye to my work. I do tend to get more than a bit careless at times.
Last, but certainly not least, thanks a million for the six rating.