Erotica for Dummies
erotic ?5 total reviews
Comment from patcelaw
This is well written, and it was a joy to read. I wish you the very best with your writing. I also wish you a wonderful day and a very good weekend. If you go down to the bottom of your post, click on the very bottom and delete until you get up to your text there won't be all that blank space at the bottom of your post. Patricia
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
This is well written, and it was a joy to read. I wish you the very best with your writing. I also wish you a wonderful day and a very good weekend. If you go down to the bottom of your post, click on the very bottom and delete until you get up to your text there won't be all that blank space at the bottom of your post. Patricia
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thanks, Patricia
Comment from Gayla putnam
"Oh brother, where art thou?" move over; erotica for dummies has taken your place. I have read several of the erotic writing contest entries, and I enjoyed yours the most. It started a little slow, but when the naked girls appeared, it heated up with humor and imagination. The ass summed it up...hombres son loco. Thanks for a fun story. gayla
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
"Oh brother, where art thou?" move over; erotica for dummies has taken your place. I have read several of the erotic writing contest entries, and I enjoyed yours the most. It started a little slow, but when the naked girls appeared, it heated up with humor and imagination. The ass summed it up...hombres son loco. Thanks for a fun story. gayla
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thank you, Gayla, for the great review.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
LOL!!! If that is erotica, don't give up your day job, Bill!! LOL It was rather smelly and tacky, but there you go, what grabs one person, turns off another and has him rushing outside to vomit!! That was disgustingly funny, my friend. Lol. :)) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
LOL!!! If that is erotica, don't give up your day job, Bill!! LOL It was rather smelly and tacky, but there you go, what grabs one person, turns off another and has him rushing outside to vomit!! That was disgustingly funny, my friend. Lol. :)) Sandra xx
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
I've been told I could come in third, but only on Fanstory.
We will have to wait and see. It's different enough for the judge to say it's a winner! 🥇🎉xx
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
My sliminess doesn't exist ... it's lower than this level. So I was able to deal with this hysterical smutt. Ha
This reminded me of jokes my brother John used to tell when he'd visit from the marine Corp. We have grown distant due to some words i exchanged with his wife. She argued Queens wasn't part of NYC and refused to accept my brother and all of us were born in NYC. So, it has led to years of distance. He secretly sends happy new years messages by email and told me he loved me at our mom's funeral. She didn't go.
This cheered me. As you see, your story brought my brother's humor back. He wasn't too slimy either. ;) Alex
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
My sliminess doesn't exist ... it's lower than this level. So I was able to deal with this hysterical smutt. Ha
This reminded me of jokes my brother John used to tell when he'd visit from the marine Corp. We have grown distant due to some words i exchanged with his wife. She argued Queens wasn't part of NYC and refused to accept my brother and all of us were born in NYC. So, it has led to years of distance. He secretly sends happy new years messages by email and told me he loved me at our mom's funeral. She didn't go.
This cheered me. As you see, your story brought my brother's humor back. He wasn't too slimy either. ;) Alex
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thank you, Alex. So glad it worked for you.
Yep. You're welcome, Bill!
Comment from lancellot
No, it not erotica, but this is FanStory and I wouldn't be surprised if you win or place in the contest. This has at least one naked woman, not described, but it has brothers, animals and humor. That should be more than enough for third place.
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
No, it not erotica, but this is FanStory and I wouldn't be surprised if you win or place in the contest. This has at least one naked woman, not described, but it has brothers, animals and humor. That should be more than enough for third place.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
I can't write erotica with a straight face, so I would be happy as a pig in shit with any placement.