Reviews from

They Learn What We Live

teach them about love, not hate

38 total reviews 
Comment from Tab Page
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes! 100% yes!
They do, it's true and it is so important for people to realise.
Thank you for the reminder! It is so easy to forget and the resulting consequences are so hard to reverse

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2025
    Hello Tab, and thank you for this sweet review and for your kind words. I see we have the same morals and that is always a treasure to find in a friend. Thanks again! Love, Debi
Comment from Regina Elliott
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another 6 star gem from my
awesome friend in Minnesota. Top of the chilly
morning to you, dearest friend. Continuing prayers for
you. Keep warm and cozy.
The good Lord's everlasting
blessings to you & your family

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2025
    Awe,, Sweetie, wow, you are so kind. I appreciate this wonderful review and the six shiny stars too. Regina, I looked back and I don't know if you aren't posting as much, but I guess I will check out your sight. You might be doing blind too. Thanks again for your awesome comments too.
    Love and hugs! Debi
Comment from Charles D Ezell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

For sure. When there is no love. The there is no God. For God is love. A person who loves, knows God. Love covers a multitudes of mistakes. Train up a child in the way they go. Either way. You said a lot in this write.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2025
    Charles, thank you for such a kind and full of faith review and comments. Your views are so appreciated, as I feel the same. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amen sister. How did I miss this? Parents tell their kids not to say bad things then cuss up a storm. We say get along with people, and then talk bad about"those" people.
We can do better. Karen

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2025
    Awe, thanks Sweetie, as I always appreciate you and your comments. You say it how it is and that is refreshing. Thank a million, my dear friend.
    Love and hugs! Debi
Comment from CM Pickard
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Can see why this was a winner, very well done. It's more difficult (at least I think it is) to write short poems like this that resonate and stick with you. You've mastered the knack of it here. Great work

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2025
    CM, thanks a million for the awesome comments about this piece. It is something that is something we must all work harder on for the children. And as much as it can't be prevented all the time, it is important to show love as well so they see the balance. Thanks again, my friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow this is a really powerful poem with imagery that really combines a really important message here. I believe that our behaviours are monejy see monkey do from our childhood etc, and that we are victims of victims and nobody can be blamed, though it is up to the individual to stop that cycle so it doesn't conti me. Very well done Debi, excellent work my friend
Best Wishes

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
    Nicki, this is a subject that is hard for me as well as anyone else. My parent's fought, my husband and I tried hard not to argue in front of our kids. Instead I try to prevent it. That is why I learned what they lived. But I hated it so I changed it in my home.

    Thanks for the kind words for this. Lotsa love and hugs. Debi
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

Children are born innocent. Not a bone of hate, racist, bullying, or any other meal intention. They only have love in there heart.

They learn the "bad" from certain surroundings. Surrounding we never have our kids... only the good!

Excellent poem,
Thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
    Thanks John, so very much for this wonderful review and sweet comments. And you didn't even know who I was. Thank you from the bottom of my hearts. Now I can finally tell you who I am and I thank you too for this awesome six stars. Thanks again, dear brother. Love, Debi
Comment from Nellys1983
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely little haiku with a lovely message. Unfortunately though we seem to teach kids these days more and more the wrong sort of lessons and then moan at them when they don't act like perfect angels. I enjoyed your poem though and always try to teach them correctly- as best I can.

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
    Nelly, I thank you so much for the kind words for "They Learn What They Live Poem." It is something that we can't teach our grandkids enough is how to show love and be respectful in all they do. I appreciate your thoughtful comments very much
Comment from Cecilia A Heiskary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great 5-7-5 poem. It is so true that children learn from watching their parents. So many kids come from hateful homes and they learn that, It's a vicious circle.

Great job and good luck in the contest.


 Comment Written 17-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
    Cecilia,, I thank you so much for the kind words for "They Learn What They Live Poem." It is something that we can't teach our grandkids enough is how to show love and be respectful in all they do. I appreciate your thoughtful comments very much.
reply by Cecilia A Heiskary on 17-Jan-2025
    You're welcome
Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wise words to live by. They will observe and learn from what we do and not just what we say. Our example will speak volumes. Be true to our words and they will follow.

 Comment Written 16-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
    Hi June, I thank you so much for the kind words for "They Learn What They Live Poem." It is something that we can't teach our grandkids enough is how to show love and be respectful in all they do. I appreciate your thoughtful comments very much.