Reviews from

On Faith

Is yours strong enough to tolerate others?

26 total reviews 
Comment from Elise H
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am new to this site and stumbled upon your profile after peeking into the forums. It's nice to get a peek behind the curtain before I put too much time and energy into this site and its members, so your essay(s) have been very helpful. I will say, that as someone just joining this site the amount of faith-based contests and writing have been... a lot. That's not very articulate, but it's true. People are, of course, free to write about whatever they feel like that brings them joy, but the scales definitely do seem tipped.

I doubt that I will continue my subscription on this site after my month is through, which is disappointing. In just one week, this site has gotten me over my writer's block and had me dipping my toes into poetry for the first time in years. That said, I'm openly queer and non-religious, and I'm already brushing up against enough faith-based homophobia to yank the welcome mat out from under my feet.

Thanks for your insight here. We'll see how it goes for me from here.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2024
    Thanks for stopping by to review my piece.

    I think it will be unfortunate if the site has helped you with your writing and you decide not to remain, but I could totally understand. You will certainly face a challenge getting your work appreciated, for reasons you have mentioned.

    I'm a little sad you haven't had your say on the forum discussion, I think you could have provided some valuable insights on the matter.

    Anyway, stay or leave, best of luck with your rekindled writing efforts!

Comment from Harambe is ur Daddy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One alternative is to host your own contests. To your point, I have had a number of my contests (including "Russian Church Retreat", penned while the Ukrainians were mounting an early counteroffensive) removed. In fact, it's not the only "religion" contest I have had removed. I boycotted the site for a while over the overt censorship. Other times, I have been surprised at what was permitted to stay. As the site has a right to cater to its primary clientele, why not pay your three bucks and try hosting said contest anyway, and see if it stays up. If it is ripped down, you'll have an even stronger argument.


 Comment Written 12-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2024
    The site doesn't have a right to disregard a piece as being of any worth simply because the mysterious entity known as "The Committee" is of a different ideological viewpoint. Not if it wants to be taken seriously, anyway. I doubt they'd rip it down if it was a private contest, the point is that site-controlled contests are not an even playing field.
reply by Harambe is ur Daddy on 22-Feb-2024
    100 percent agree. I have had many valid entires disqualified unjustly from contests. Just saying that they can get away with it and there isn't anything we can do besides complain. But writers can be very convincing complainers.
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am sad that you are done writing and reviewing. I have enjoyed many of your musings even if I haven't reviewed them.

I agree that faith could be faith in your spouse, faith in mankind, faith in oneself.

I do not like when people review based on their agreement or disagreement of the content. I am an independent and dialogue the far right and the far should I one star every well-written political piece that I disagree with? Someone just got me on the Mask Contest because they didn't like my content, even though the writing is solid. Yes aggravating.

You are entitled to your voice of beliefs. I would six star this if it was not the end of the week. By the way, I am Christian.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    I call many Christians here "friend" Douglas, as in real life, in the world outside Fanstory. There is no need to let a difference of viewpoint destroy what we share as humans.

    Some, however, seem to think their perspective on life is the only one that deserves to be heard or recognised, and that's where problems start.

    Many thanks for the considered comments, and enjoy your weekend!

reply by Douglas Goff on 13-Oct-2023
    You to, Craig.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent piece, and I'm sorry you have had to write it. I agree wholeheartedly with all that you say. I read a piece this morning by someone who spouted all sorts of nonsense about Biden and the southern border and the Israeli conflict, but I praised them for having the courage to write, even though I reserved the right to disagree with every word. I know this is not faith but you get what I mean. So, well done to you also for having the courage to express your views and long may we live in a society where views, well written and argued, are respected, regardless. All the very best to you.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2023
    Thanks very much for the kind words. Yes, it's nice when divergent views are tolerated, and not penalised, so good on you for that. Disagreements are, in my mind, preferable to Borg-like conformity. Cheers, Craig
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good morning, Craig,
Your non-fiction essay resonates deeply with me, and I share your frustration not necessarily with the faith contests, but with the self-righteous arrogance I have witnessed and experienced from a handful of individuals who believe if I do not believe/act/follow their prescribed affiliations - whether by friendship or faith - I must be railed against and chastised.

Case in point, which you state so effectively:
"And why is it that many people who claim to be writers on this site will freely hand out six-star reviews to the most appalling "devotional" content, full of spelling and grammatical errors and devoid of creativity, while never acknowledging the merits of work not carrying a religious theme with an "exceptional" rating? (Heartfelt appreciation for those who do!)"

In the sixteen years that I have been a member of FanStory, it wasn't until this past spring, when I reviewed a work that was not only full of "spelling and grammatical errors, and devoid of creativity," it also was full of fallacious reasoning and cronyism. Following my review of said work, I was informed in a private message from the writer's "friend," that my stance and review of said work was not acceptable because the writer was a Christian and had health challenges and was deserving of my respect. The "friend" then demanded that I publicly apologize.

I refused to do so...

I applaud your post, Craig, and I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed in the following paragraph:
"Will this post change anything? Not a snowball's chance in hell. Will it cause anyone to reconsider how they judge the merits of the writings of others? Highly unlikely. But at least it might answer for a few of my valued friends, both those of religious persuasion and those who are not, why I frequently become disenchanted with writing and reviewing here."

I am saddened at the prospect of your leaving. I surely hope you do not go that route. As I once wrote in a work entitled, "Plenty of Room for Both Our Pens":
"Though you see life through a different lens,
There is plenty of room for both our pens...

Thank you for sharing, Craig...

 Comment Written 11-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 11-Oct-2023
    Thanks so much for the thoughtful review, Diane. The one encouraging thing from posting this is that I can see the experience resonates with many people, including those with very different viewpoints from my own. It would be nice if we could all be treated the same, and certainly no one deserves special treatment because of their beliefs, as your uninvited commentator suggested.

    I love the quote from your poem, sums it up perfectly! Too bad some don't see it that way.

    All the best, Craig
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this post with us. I tend to agree with you about the contests, I don't believe they are fair and have said so many times. Faith is personal and every person has the freedom to believe what they want. I am sorry you feel that's not honored here.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    Thanks, Barbara. Your comments are appreciated. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels so.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think tolerance also includes tolerating those who want to write about their faith whether it is religious or not and you are entitled to express your views just the same as those who believe in God. I think the faith contests on here are open to interpretation and all views are welcomed. I have never felt discriminated against on here by the contest committee. Perhaps tolerance is a two way street, we must be tolerant and accept that we cannot always win a contest and it may have nothing to do with our religious beliefs. A poignant write, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    Dolly, I acknowledged in the piece that I have no quarrel with being unable to "always win a contest". I've probably won or placed in more than I deserve -- when I write about stuff that every man woman and their dog chooses to post, because they're not going to "offend" anyone's sensibilities. I've won or placed in contests, and though afterwards, "How the hell did that win?" So it isn't that. As I said, it's because not one single time have I posted anything that questions the majority opinion of religion on this site that it's even been given a second glance by the contest committee. This intolerance is what bugs me. The fact that other perspectives on life apart from the one we see in 90% of the stuff on here are just tossed aside. You've probably never felt discriminated against because you've never chosen to go down that path. So, while I appreciate your comments, I simply don't agree, nor do a considerable number of people who have reviewed this piece. Thanks for your input :) Craig
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 10-Oct-2023
    There maybe some people who would rather not challenge you as they don?t want to get into an argument Craig. I like that you are challenging the system as this is what we do as free thinkers and everyone is entitled to their opinion, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    That's exactly my point, *everyone* is entitled to their opinion - and not to have it negated by favouritism and prejudice. We agree. Thanks Dolly :)
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I believe most everything you've said. People in general have a tendency to be stubborn and set in their ways. They believe they are right, and anyone who doesn't agree exactly with their beliefs must be ignorant or unwilling to listen and learn. But for me, I've found this usually applies to those on both sides of the fence. It's kind of similar to the black and white issues. People fight and argue over their few differences, while failing to congratulate and celebrate their many similarities. I do understand your frustrations, and what you speak of happens far more than it should. But don't give up and run away, change can only happen through persistence. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    It's not a matter of running away. But you mention frustration, and it seems to me there's little to be gained from banging one's head against a brick wall. Simply wanting fairness isn't being stubborn or pedantic. In any case, thank you for the comments, and they are appreciated.
Comment from Ginda Simpson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First of all, I applaud your efforts to enlightened our Fanstory community to its shortcomings and biases. I am in total agreement with your viewpoint and wholeheartedly believe our writing should be reviewed and receive recognition based on its merits, not solely on content we find appealing or that mirrors on own thinking. Thank you for sharing these thoughts and hopefully it will seed some changes.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    I very much doubt it, but we can always hope. Thanks for the support :)
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written, of course.
classified as "butterflies and rainbows" stuff. - I agree whole-heartedly. I have come short on contest entries that have received amazing reviews, only to fall short of the money by a puppy or grandbaby in a piece such as you've described.
While I have been helped by some reviewers, mainly FanStorians ... well, nevermind what I was about to say.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2023
    Thanks for the supportive comments. Sometimes the ways of the judges are like those of the one who seems to inspire them - mysterious. Much obliged, Craig.