Reviews from

The Art Of Sleep

not the ultimate page-turner...

36 total reviews 
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo. You must have taught (or do teach) Creative writing. All very good worthwhile points to remember. And it seems, you read your own lessons!
This is a clever way to present your points. Congrats on All Time Best. (have you counted how many of those you've gotten so far??) heavens to mergatroid. Ah, ye prob'ly have a wee room of trophies. or a big, grand one. Just kidding you, and congratulating you, too.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2023
    I haven't heard that phrase since I last watched Snagglepus many, many years ago.! lol

    Many thanks for checking this one out.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol! You're so funny. And I'm usually terrible at getting sarcasm (I blame it on second language/second culture). But I got yours! Just do the opposite of what you said. But remember those classic authors who wrote about the seams of a glove like Thomas Hardy and about the endless details of Marcel Proust? I don't think they'd be read today...

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2023
    Yeah, a lot of the classics wouldn't be so today but then when they wrote it, it wasn't so cliched. lol

    many thanks
Comment from Monica Chaddick
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is hilarious! I absolutely loved this colorful piece of writing. Now I sort of want to try and write a book as you described. I bet it would be a lot harder than it looks.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2023
    I've tried to write a couple of short stories like this and it is ifficult as it goes against my nature. lol
    many thanks
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your humor put a smile on my face and enjoyment in my heart. Great job! I truly couldn't help but snicker as I thought of how many stories I've filtered through with this criteria. Great job!

Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2023
    I wish the filter didn't have to be applied so much!
    Many thanks
Comment from Barry Penfold
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A great guide for the new or struggling writer. Everything not to do when writing. The opposite will ensure a riveting read and a reader wanting more. Clever approach and a wonderful way to catch the attention of the reader.
Thanks for the lesson. Have a great day.
Barry Penfold.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for popping in and checking this out, Barry. G
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The antithetical approach may not work, but it has a lot of company. I suffered through Steinbeck's dust bowl tortoise stroll and James Michener's Chesapeake goose flight, so I understand the beating of a dead dog drill.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    Some classics are absolute torture... Many thanks, Bill. G
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How true your writing is. I have often started a novel, then given up on it. There are stories that never capture the interest of the reader. I love the way you put this all together. At least, it held my interest. Nice work.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for checking this post out. Much appreciated. G
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

You bring these valid points home with this tongue in cheek list of how to write a boring story. I used to be guilty of tell don't show but learned a lot from honest reviews. I had a professional playwright review one of my scripts and learned how my characters were two-dimensional and stereotyped. It's hard to find fault with one's own post and worth the money to hire an editor.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    I think assessing your own work becomes easier with more reading and using a more critical eye when assessing others. It can greatly inform your own work. All the best. G
Comment from Roxanna Andrews
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes I have read stories like this. Where they go on and on describing something. We had someone on here like that. She had to write the most minute detail. I told her, but she liked writing like that. I guess there are people who like this type of writing but I'm not one of them. Thank you for your well written advise,

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    People sometimes confuse this with 'their style' as if boring, mundane and sometimes just bad writing are something to aspire to... lol
    Many thanks. G
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a useful piece on telling those of us on this site what not to do. It is first post this morning that made me wish I had just stayed in bed, but I'm sure we needed to here all that.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    It's not so much don't do it but do things with a sense of moderation and balance. Much appreciated. G