Reviews from

Tucker - Closing Point (Part-7)

Tucker takes charge, thanks to Farnsworth.

30 total reviews 
Comment from Patrick Bernardy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Heya Ric! (Port Raid Review #1)

You have been selected by Eyepatch Patrick and his parrot Pookie for a PORT RAID, three consecutive reviews of your work. The first review would normally be of an item you have promoted. This would have paid for my voyage into your harbor. BUT, your loyalty to my writing has paid for this ten times over, so no worries. Once I have a quick drink in your best tavern, I will move farther into your port to the things that you would love to promote but cannot afford to (I know better than this, but you get my point). I do this because I believe it is a tragedy that so many excellent posts sit dusty and unread for ages. If you like the idea of the PORT RAID, feel free to construct your own ship, befriend a parrot, and venture out into the vast FanStory ocean and the hundreds of inviting ports that await you!

So, Farnsworth turned out to be a double-agent after all! Now, of course, he's more like a jar of Grey Poupon shattered on the sidewalk, but oh well. At least he won't get his grimy hands on Tammy anymore. And there was a scene with Tammy naked in this part. So, yeah, that's a big, big pro!

Ric's Trifecta!
---"In ball-bearing fluidity their hips swung in a strut past the bar and out to poolside without trouble." --You have the most amazing way of describing the movement of women's bodies that I really appreciate. Like, really.
---"Stable flying machines that slow you down, steer like a dream, and land you softer than Charmin tissue on a tender bottom." --Speaking of Charmin, do you remember Mr. Whipple and the "Don't squeeze the Charmin" ad campaign from the late 70's and early 80's?
---"And you want my amateur, idiot butt to skydive to my death off a 300-foot building?" --Tucker is one of the few badasses who knows his limitations. That's probably why he survived this.

---"Your boobies have gotten bigger since you used to swim shirtless in your Minnie Mouse pool." --Awwww, Tucker is so romantic. I love his pillow-talk. By the way, this could have easily gone into the above section praising your descriptions.
---"With a cocky grin and a wink, he blew her a kiss and walked out." --Tucker's also great with foreplay. Just sayin'.
---"Farnsworth had men, women, and children stationed as tourists on every floor and reporting all movements." --He's like Varys from Game of Thrones with all his little birds!
---"Out-of-control he bounced off buildings and crashed in a heap on the street below." --Bye-bye, Mr. Farnsworth! Don't forget to write!

I knew going into this that this was not the end of Tucker (and hopefully Tammy). It seems as if there are other posts indicating a sequel or spin-off or something? I shall head there now.

So, with every Port Raid I do, I create some type of bar or cabaret or tavern or pub to visit in the member's "port" in between the first and second review. I have been looking forward to visiting the Trocadero for a long, long time. So after I go there and recover, I shall be back with your next review.

Eyepatch Patrick (and Pookie)

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2024
    Ahoy there, matey! Blow me down bucko, "a phrase of amazement or shock from a buccaneer or simply a friend." I just had to clarify, knowing your mind could have taken my statement in a completely different direction. Break out the cat o' nine tails and spank that carouser's hide or sit down and sip a clap o' thunder. I'm just sorry the coffer is empty. Me cutlass short as a pocket knife. Grab the doubloons and remember, dead men tell no tales. The Trocadero was a happening place from what I've read and been told. The name still on the building's wall 20-years-ago, but I haven't been back since. But any reason for a mug of grog or bumboo, rum with whatever, suits me. Okay, enough foolishness, frittering away your time. I can't thank you enough for another of your wonderful, kind, and encouraging reviews! I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the for now bit. Tucker needs to meet a bossy undercover F.B.I lady That bosses him around. If Farnsworth had the time and wherewithal to order hang gliders and and stuff, why couldn't he order up some dummies to attach to the gilders? Just asking. Still like your stuff. I still think you are a great writer. These questions just stick in my head. Karen

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
    Thanks so much, Karen, for your kind words, suggestions, and generous reviews. I'm glad you're still having questions, but I hope to answer them all before I finish the story completely Much appreciated!
reply by Karen Cherry on 17-Aug-2023
    I loved the"unfinished" series.
    As long as his body holds out you can keep sending him off on adventures, and these would make good movies too.
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
    Well, I wanted to leave them dead, but people kept asking about them. Now, I've painted myself into a corner on how to get them out of this mess. LOL. I appreciate YOU!
reply by Karen Cherry on 17-Aug-2023
    I don't know how a person kills off a good guy. I've never done that. I just kill off my husband over and over in various horrendous ways. Sine I left him I don't kill him so much. I am writing poetry and nostalgia mostly. except for the very dark"I Really Don't Belong Here". It was this Giant Growth that just erupted from me one day. Okay I had binged "Blacklist" again. I ca't get enough of him. Fell in love with him on "Boston Legal." The way he talks, how he spaces his words, he must be a delight to work for. He gives these completely believable speeches, as if they are off the cuff. He isn't really good looking, but he is mezmerizing when he talks. when he goes home to the wife he might clip his toenails, and fart in bed, but on the screen he is magic. tell me what female actor draws you in? and she has to be at least thirty! Karen
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
    You have me giggling like a school kid about your next to last line. And I must admit, you caught me off guard with your unexpected openness. I have to say, I can't imagine you being that attracted to James Spader, but his character and dialog are interesting. As for an actress who draws me in, it's hard to say. I'm not really the type who gets goo goo eyed over anyone. I prefer real people over some knockout, under 30 sex pot whose ears whistle in the wind. I like Diane Lane; although, she isn't a great actress or never was as a young woman. I like Robin Wright, but she'd probably be too wild for my taste in real life. So, who are some of your other favorites? Ric
reply by Karen Cherry on 17-Aug-2023
    Okay you asked. I love Cary
    Grants' characters that he plays. From what I have read about him he's a bit of a fruit loop. I probably bop him on the head (I'd need a stool) several times a day. I've noticed guys don't like that.
    Jimmy stewart was always a stand up guy, and he was in love with his wife until the day he died. I looked up to him, but he struck me as a bit of a weenie. And what did that mean, you wouldn't have guessed I was from Texas? Them's fighting words cowboy. Karen
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
    I liked Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart. Both seemed like nice guys, but like you, I've read that Cary Grant was nuts. They played my kinds of characters, simple and sincere. Kind of like Tucker. What I meant was: Texans tend to be slow spoken, kind of like John Wayne and Sissy Spacek. But those two aren't any less talented or entertaining. And I was sold on your talent at first reading. Cowgirl. :-) Ric
reply by Karen Cherry on 17-Aug-2023
    I am so entirely happy to have found so many people with the superior intelligence to appreciate my work. seriously though I do indeed have a drawl. I taped myself one time, and it sounded like I had shit still on my boot. People in other states thought it was "cute", i thought they were dolts. i only hadone pair of boots ( well, except for that 4 inch stilletto my husband liked me to walk around in) I wouldn't have minded using a whip on the asshole! I went a bit off on a tangent there.... the mind wanders. When i divorced husband number one because he repeatedly told me, and on occasion showed me that I was worthless and stupid, I went wild. I bought cowboy boots and went dancing every night. i had never danced before, turns out i was pretty good. So I am a Texan. Thank you very much. I don't know why I can talk to you so openly. It is as if I have known you a long time, and we are just having a normal conversation. I have always had more men friends than woman friends. because as you have no doubt surmised by now, I am not a quiet little miss. I learned to stand and shout from husband number one. If we have working brain matter, we learn, we grow, we adapt. I don't have much tolerance for people who throw up their hands, and say I don't know, then stand there waiting for someone to hand them the answer. but on occasion I can feel very shy, but you would never know! i just got a kinda joke from another friend, here is her joke: Well, enough of me talking about myself, why don't you talk about me now!
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
    Well, Karen, I think a southern drawl is cute too. I used to race horses in New Orleans for six months every winter and sometimes the summers in Shreveport, so when I'd leave there I sounded just like the mudbugs or coonasses, as they are called. I'm just an old country boy who grew up breeding and racing thoroughbred horses. I rode some bulls, broncs, and spent some time in Texas on and off when I was young. So, I'm sure I'll like the way you talk. LOL.
Comment from Judy Lawless
This work has reached the exceptional level

The end? Really? But I want to know how he planned to do all of that! Sigh. This is great writing, Ric. You know you could write a novel, right? I'd be first in line to buy it. :)

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Judy, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I'm so glad you like it. There is nothing that makes me more happy than for those I choose to read and enjoy every day, to like my foolishness. LOL. I hope you are home safe and sound! You've made my week with your last comment. If I ever write a novel, you won't have to wait in line or buy it. I'll send your copy first class and free. I appreciate YOU!
reply by Judy Lawless on 26-Aug-2022
    Awe, you are most welcome, Ric, and ever so humble. The appreciation is mutual. I am safely home and trying to catch up. Hugs.
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

As the well known saying goes, "All's well that ends well." I find it difficult to think of a better ending to this exciting saga. The good guys win and the bad guys lose even while they are celebrating what they mistakenly think is a win.

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Nomi, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. I kind of cheated a little on the ending, leaving an opening so that I can bring it back someday. LOL. Thank you so much, my friend, for staying with this story from start to end. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good work. Good story. Hope Tucker was kiddin' about Tammy's boobs.
The girls giggled pretending - maybe a comma after giggled?
How could Tammy get on a truck when she jet skied to a boat?
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2022
    Thanks for your kind words, suggestions, and kind words. I'm headed to add the comma. LOL. The girls jet skied to the boat and headed South just to get away from the hotel where the action was about to break out. They weren't going far, just getting away. Soon as the reached Miami Beach they went a shore. Yes, I'm sure most would think I need to tell all that, but to me, when she ended up on the truck headed North, it answered that question. LOL. Thanks, Wayne, I always appreciate what you have to say and your kind reviews.
Comment from Thomas Blanks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just read all seven parts of Tucker. Tuck is rough and tumble, over-the-top, tough guy private eye, but not a noir character like Mike Hammer or Phillip Marlowe. He is more modern like Magnum PI, but Magnum isn't tough enough. I settled on Detective Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch, created by Michael Connelly. Bosch is not above beating a confession out of someone.
However, Tuck has also gotten involved in a deadly internal federal agency coverup situation similar to the 1975 Robert Redford movie "Three Days of the Condor" wherein Redford plays CIA analyst Ronald Malcolm. One of Malcolm's coworkers, an accountant, notices a shipment of seven crates on an order but only five were received. He sends a memo to Langley reporting the shortage and is later killed in his home. The next afternoon, Malcolm slips out of the secure office using a coalbin in the basement to get lunch. While he's out, assassins enter the office and shoot his remaining six co-workers. Discovering the bodies, Malcolm phones CIA HQ from a pay phone using his code name "Condor" to the substation has been hit, but that just makes him a target.
So, "Harry Bosch meets Three Days of the Condor" is how I would describe the Tucker stories, which I enjoyed reading. One thing I suggest (if you want to add it). When you describe the three federal agencies in #4... DEA, CIA, and FBI, you say the FBI is a domestic law enforcement and security service. While that is true, and the security part relates to anti-terrorism, but there is a third function. The FBI is a domestic law enforcement, counter-intelligence, and security service. I know it is splitting hairs, but I am a former Special Agent. Also, I noticed that Farnsworth was referred to as a "secret" agent. None of the three agencies use that term. CIA would use Agent. The other two agencies would use Special Agent. I think the reference was in #5. Cheers!

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Thomas, for your outstanding review, kind words, and your suggestions that will surely help to make my story more realistic. I can't thank you enough for taking time to read all seven chapters, six offering no reward. I had no idea about any of what I wrote, just tried to read enough as I scribbled and not look like a complete fool. LOL. I never dreamed I would meet a real special agent and you would read my story. I'm sure you could have written another few pages on ways to better this story. Much appreciated!
Comment from Erika Seshadri
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Woo hoo! That was some crazy fun action. Loved your character descriptions of the two girls who came to pick up Tammy. Was not expecting that ending for Farnsworth. Glad Tucker survived to see another day.

Very well done.


 Comment Written 25-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 25-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Erika, for your kind words and generous review. I kind of cheated a little on the ending, leaving an opening so that I can bring the story back at some point. Plus, although it looks like Farnsworth is dead, as long as he isn't seen, he really doesn't have to be. LOL. Thank you so much for hanging with this whole story that I know isn't really in your comfort zone, which makes your reviews all the more special. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from LJbutterfly
This work has reached the exceptional level

There was so much movement and action, I wasn't able to catch my breath. Your writing style always allows for vivid descriptions and imagery, like the Sig Sauer 45, and the Ear Hero covert-tactical earpiece, not to mention the Daikin rooftop PTAC systems. Huh? Plus, I would love a pair of dark Fendi sunglasses. Great chapter, but this can't be the end...even if Tucker becomes involved in another adventure. I'll be waiting.

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Lorraine, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. Yes, I did leave things wide open so that I could go back and have another Tucker adventure at some point. But to be honest, I'm worn out with this story for now, and I'm sure most readers are too. I can't thank you enough for your encouraging review. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Susan Newell
This work has reached the exceptional level


This is a great wrap-up with nice twists at the end -- Farnsworth being a good guy and hai failed parachute plunging him to his death. I hope Tucker and Tammy live happily ever after, but I suspect you may bring them back for an adventure or two. Great details throughout. Comments below.


In ball-bearing fluidity their hips swung in a strut past the bar and out to poolside without trouble. *******

They pitched their drinks through the sugar-frenzied bees -- nice detail

"Got cha . . . be careful." -- usually Gotcha

"I'm not . . . besides invisible demons of the supernatural and heights." *******

between two huge Daikin rooftop PTAC (heat and air-conditioner) systems. -- don't see need for italics

"Farnsworth, I wouldn't have to hit the ground to die. If I jumped, my heart would stop long before impact." *******

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Sue, for your extra special six-star review, kind words, and suggestions. Although the stars are nice, the most important reward for me is that talented writers like you take time to read and encourage old hacks like me. LOL. I can't thank you enough. I appreciate YOU!
reply by Susan Newell on 23-Aug-2022
    You are welcome, Ric. I'm waiting for my writer to return. She's been uninspired lately and the contest offerings haven't helped much. This too shall pass. :-)
reply by the author on 23-Aug-2022
    It's hard to stay inspired all the time, but never fear, us fans will be right here, waiting patiently. :-)
Comment from RPSaxena
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Ric,
Nice piece of fiction in continuation having CAPTIVATING flow throughout from the very beginning up to the end, the end being 'The end.' - Remarkable!
Tucker is as impressive as he should be, keeping in mind his role in the story.
Description of persons and scenes is particularly noteworthy.
Undoubtedly, Interesting!

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, RP, for your extra special six-star review and encouraging words. I've enjoyed writing this action piece, but I'm now thankful to find a stopping point to catch my breath. I'm glad for all you special readers who have hung with me and didn't get worn out. It's always a pleasure to receive your generous and uplifting reviews. I appreciate YOU!
reply by RPSaxena on 26-Aug-2022
    Ric, Most Welcome!
    Keep writing!
    With best wishes,
    ~ RP