Reviews from

My Rocky 50-Year Love Affair

Because the Tarots is a jealous maiden

31 total reviews 
Comment from Adri7enne
This work has reached the exceptional level

A lot of life cannot be explained in everyday words because when we leave the horizontal aspects of reality and delve into the vertical depths of life, words are no longer as effective. Some of it must be realized as amorphous, hazy, maybe true in some dimensions but perhaps explainable in this material world. So Tarot explains as much as anything else we can turn towards, looking for Truth! I also have a Tarot deck and what I read there can often be interpreted as very clear messages from the realm of the soul. Fun reading you, Jay. There is lots of power in that vertical realm. Power to heal and to lighten the burden of the world. Be well, my friend.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 03-Nov-2020
    What a delightful surprise it was getting the six. Thank you for your generosity, Adrienne. So you have a Tarot deck as well. I love your take on it being a vertical dive!