Comment from
Phyllis Stewart
The premise and the characters are superb. You have all you need for a great story, and I look forward to it. :)
Factual error needs correcting. Gerbers in jars is for older babies who are starting on solid food. Young babies cannot eat baby food and must drink either breast milk or special "formula" for nursing babies still on the bottle.
Sometimes disregard gives one a vantage point that no one else has. << Love the insight here! You're doing a terrific job of showing us the bard. :)
there was nothing on their minds, but his money and power, << Of course, yet they all pretend it's not! That's human nature for you.
Did all the guests know he'd been frozen for a future day to be cured?
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Comment Written 16-Apr-2014
Comment from
CR Delport
It is actually amazing how many times you read a story of a homeless man or woman who was once a great success. What is even more amazing was that some of the chose the life of a homeless person. This is another well written chapter and the characters are starting to settle and reveal their character and personality. Good job.
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Comment Written 16-Apr-2014