Reviews from

The Art Of Sleep

not the ultimate page-turner...

36 total reviews 
Comment from Zoe Webb
This work has reached the exceptional level

Looks like you have a typo under "Only have a vague notion of the plot" (it's instead of it).

This was funny, and something I think I might read again before my next creative project. You bring up a lot of great points all under the guise of creating a sleep-aid (which is really humorous). I've been guilty of one or two on your list, and think it's great you've articulated all of these points as a reminder to the writer. This is definitely a thoughtful post for any writer, and can be considered a "goto" as well.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for checking this one out, Zoe. Especially for the catch. G
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very creative and well written. It's sarcasm that works to help Society. I definitely feel the same way when I read something like you describe. and I try not to write that way. Excellent writing! Best wishes!

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for reading and commenting. G
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
This work has reached the exceptional level

First on your list: Tell, Don't Show. I actually just came from a short story here that did just that. One paragraph in and I checked out. (You see, I don't like to be bored when I read, lol!)

A disregard for setting is another item on your list that I agree (don't agree?) with. Stories where characters just talk and the narrator just tells doesn't give me a full story.

You've written a very good road map to better writing, and in a funny, unique way. All good advice and, if followed, will improve anyone's story. These tips are right out of a "how to" for writers.

One thing you might want to consider is your summation at the end. When you say you may not reply because you'll probably be asleep implies that the reader's review has put you there. I don't think you want to possibly insult someone who has taken the time to read and review this. Even if you think it's a money grab:-)

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.


 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I don't think it infers that at all. So far, it's just been this review! I don't think anyone has money grabbed this post as almost all have shared their thoughts which has been really nice

    Many thanks
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We are all different and enjoy diverse styles in writing and what suits one person, does not suit another. I love Dickens, but many complain about the length explanations and descriptions before the story progresses, but I find these clever and telling and interesting. A book that sends you to sleep is one I would love to have in my collection! Ha ha ha! You made me smile here, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Dickens is of its time, though, so some get away with it. Some of the other classics are pretty bad. the problem is that when folk do that now, it feels like a cliche which of course it wasn't then. lol

    much appreciated as always
Comment from Jesse James Doty
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an exemplary satire in its finest display of a post. Devoted to showing us how not to write a story that way we put the reader to sleep. I smiled to myself as I read your headings I didn't need to read much more than that to get the gist of the plot or should I say lack of plot in this great satirical post.
You say a lot in many words yet the satire works well.
Have a wonderful Sunday!

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for your thoughts on this Jesse. G
reply by Jesse James Doty on 12-Jun-2023
    Sometimes I find it hard to come up with the right words. Yet you seem to know what I mean anyway.
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Funny, the setting parts made me laugh. It's true you have to find the right balance. The setting can be important, if it matters to the plot, the story or the characters' environment. Minor details matter too, if they are clues to a mystery or play a part in a set up for a mystery.

Good way to hammer home some important writing advice. But, if everything one writes on FanStory is wonderful, great, five-star material, then what does it matter?

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    It matters to me and a few others. The thing is, most of my work is elsewhere these days and if anyone is aspiring to write seriously then they need to avoid the FanStory trap. Many thanks, as always, lance.
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This satirical look at the writing craft was funny. You clearly put a lot of thought into it. It covers many of the bases that real advice posts cover: setting, character, how to show a scene. If read with care, this post can be helpful. One small thing, I think a word is missing in this sentence, "The best stuff always happens somewhere else and the gossip and hearsay much more compelling, isn't it?" Other than that, this wry take on boring writing was well done. I got very bored during 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea. The main characters were kept away from most of the action, the ending left so many questions unanswered, and when read after the widespread use of submarines, it was just so mundane. Now, with your advice, I can write an equally boring book of my own!

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I have to admit that whilst I love sci-fi and fantasy, I've never made it through 'Lord of the Rings' for these very reasons! Much appreciated. G
Comment from DeboraDyess
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, my, my! How witty you are! This was one of the funniest articles on writing I've EVER read. SUBMIT it somewhere! You must share. All of this is so tongue-in-cheek and makes a point much better than if you preach it the way it's been taught before. I found myself cringing at one point so thank you!
Blessings and hugs,

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I think we've all been guilty of some, if not all, of these at some point! lol Much appreciated. G
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
This work has reached the exceptional level

Now if every writer on this site would just read this article and do exactly the opposite, there would be dozens of New York Times Best Selling writers on Fanstory. You have done a great job of explaining why many stories fall flat, they follow this advice to a tee.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Many thanks once again, carol. G
Comment from Wayne Fowler
This work has reached the exceptional level

Recon you lost any followers today?
Maybe make any one cry?
Or worse, make anybody go find a cat to kick?
I'm quite sure I have fouled out on every one of your points (and in the NBA it takes six fouls to get the bootaroo.
I'm quite sure you could have found a way to make the same points without the blazing guns, but what would be the fun in that?
I'd just like to know how many husbands (or wives) went to bed alone tonight. Hah!
(smiley face here)

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    What would be the point indeed. i reckon we've all done this at some point but that's the learning curve!
    Many thanks, Wayne.