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Viewing comments for Chapter 73 "Mom's Surprising Confession"
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49 total reviews 
Comment from Lea Tonin1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such a kind and loving poem. Not only to your mother, but to the people in your life too. I'm sure they all including your mom appreciate it and love the work very much! I adore the picture you chose it's beautiful The script equally lovely with a good background to show it off. What a great job you did with this! I see No issues with grammar subject matter or sentence structure. It's a lovely submission with a nice little piece of magic within great job. I hope you have an awesome day!

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Lea, due to having so many at one time, I want you to know I am sorry for the late response.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so sad Debi, we all have a past, even me Debi, I've never met my son born. 50 years ago, I loved his mother, but she moved to South Africa, I don't think he knows I exist, thanks for reminding me, but I was meant to marry Elaine, and have two beloved daughters and the delightful grands I have. We make a mess of our lives and God gives it order, beautifully written Debi, how fortunate you are. Beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2023
    sa, I am running behind again as I had so many in a row again. However, I appreciate the lovely review for my mom?s poem.
    Roy, what a sad remembrance for you, my friend. I do know one thing and that is if he does know about you and finds you someday, he will be welcomed by you and your lovely family
reply by royowen on 24-Nov-2023
    Perhaps Debi, I prayed for immediately, sometimes ignorance is merciful.
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2023
    We are only human.
    I know I'd be proud to find out you were my brother.
    If it is God's will, you will meet your son. But either way, thank you for sharing something so personal with me.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi. A well written poem giving us a peak into your life. I'm glad you were able to meet a brother you never knew you had. How painful it must have been for your mother to give him up and how blessed to have been reunited. I'm sorry you lost so many family members, but glad you still have big brother!

Much love,

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the kind words for my mom and dad. My mother took his three little girls 3, 4 & 5 yrs old after their mother died the year before. She put off her teaching career for a bit while she had my three brothers and myself too, while raising my sisters. All I have left now are all 3 of my wonderful older sisters. And one brother and now Roger for the last 30 years, so we have had lots of time for phone calls and texts. It has now been about 15 years since we have seen each other.
    Something else I haven't told anyone here, about 40 years ago, my mom knew of a couple who could not care for their baby because of their drug use. So my mom and dad made it happen that they would be legal guardians over Ryan, then later became attached and wanted to adopt him, but the parents wouldn't allow it. And the judge would not give Ryan back tho, so my mom and dad continued to raise him and after mom died my dad kept caring for him. When the mom tried to get Ryan back, Ryan said you aren't my mom, my mom is dead. (talking about my mom) So truthfully, even tho Ryan is a year younger than my baby, Bridget, he is my little brother too. Did you follow all of that?? LOL... I have always felt that she did that to make up for giving Roger up. When Ryan came into the picture, we didn't know about Roger yet.
    Then Rob died at 43 from a heart attack and Denny at 47 from a car accident. So God keeps supplying me brothers.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've taken your created form to a new level with this poem. Surely there is joy, but what a sad circumstance for your mom to have to find herself in at a young age! I can't imagine how difficult it was wondering how her child was...and not sharing this secret with you and your brothers. Still, Roger searched and found not only his mom but siblings ~ a new family that linked hearts and genealogy. Such a blessing for all that your mom got to meet and embrace him. Your (trademark) monorhyme stanzas work so well as you tell this story of your "found" brother. I'm sorry your mom was taken too young, mine was as well...
I'm so happy (and thankful) that you and Roger have kept in touch!

Nice job with an emotional poem!


 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Thanks for the kind words for my mom's poem. I want to tell you a little more about myself.

    My mother took my dad's three little girls 3, 4 & 5 yrs old after their mother died the year before. She put off her teaching career for a bit while she had my three brothers and myself too, while raising my sisters. All I have left now are all 3 of my wonderful older sisters. And one brother and now Roger for the last 30 years, so we have had lots of time for phone calls and texts. It has now been about 15 years since we have seen each other.
    Something else I haven't told anyone here, about 40 years ago, my mom knew of a couple who could not care for their baby because of their drug use. So my mom and dad made it happen that they would be legal guardians over Ryan, then later became attached and wanted to adopt him, but the parents wouldn't allow it. And the judge would not give Ryan back tho, so my mom and dad continued to raise him and after mom died my dad kept caring for him. When the mom tried to get Ryan back, Ryan said you aren't my mom, my mom is dead. (talking about my mom) So truthfully, even tho Ryan is a year younger than my baby, Bridget, he is my little brother too. Did you follow all of that?? LOL... I have always felt that she did that to make up for giving Roger up. When Ryan came into the picture, we didn't know about Roger yet.
    Then Rob died at 43 from a heart attack and Denny at 47 from a car accident. So God keeps supplying me brothers.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
reply by karenina on 27-Nov-2023
    Thanks for sharing this Debi. It does seem your mom had a place in her heart, left a bit empty after giving up Roger... and Ryan was a gift from God!

    The love you all share redefines "nuclear family"--

    Sometimes, though time and space keep us separate, God finds a way!

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful artwork and nice presentation, Debi. Your notes are appreciated, too. You tell a good story with imagery and rhyme. I'm sorry you lost your mom and two brothers, especially when it was so close to learning about Roger.

I'm glad you were there for your mother. I had to be a great comfort to her. I like the lines you have in between each stanza that reflect on the nature of that stanza. I wonder if you are curious person since you called Roger right away. I am glad you stay in touch.Maybe one day you will be able to visit one another. Thanks for sharing everything.

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2023
    Hi Pam, lol, I thought you were June Sargent at first, because she used to have this for a profile picture. I didn't realize that I don't always look at the names right away.

    That day, I grabbed the phone and held onto her trembling body after I handed it to her when he answered. I knew it was best she do it then.
    And it just so happened that Glen and I were going to Vegas that weekend. So we rented a car and had it planned to meet him in a restaurant in Phoenix. It was amazing as all the people there watched to see the meeting. It was an Oprah moment for sure, and he spotted me right away since I look like my mom, and his parents had been so good to tell all about her and even had a picture of her. Since then we have met many times until I became too crippled to get around easy enough. So now its usually a text and occasional call. He would like to talk more, but I am not a phone person.
    So someday again soon.

    Thanks for the kind review and comments, my sweet friend.
reply by Pam (respa) on 21-Nov-2023
    You are very welcome, Debi, and thanks for sharing everything. Maybe sometime he could come and visit you.
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sad poem yet a joyous one yes but such a joyous poem, Debi. Your mother loved butterflies and she couldn't get her fill of them. It was joyous because she got to meet him (Roger) a few times. It was sad when she died. Blessings n Hugs!!!

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Alie, due to having so many at one time, I want you to know I am sorry for the late response.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
reply by aryr on 27-Nov-2023
    You are so very welcome, Debi.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this tribute to your mother with us. I know it had to be hard for her to carry that secret inside for those years. I know it had to be a relief for her when she finally shared it and go to meet her son. Beautifully written and presentation.

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Barb, due to having so many at one time, I want you to know I am sorry for the late response.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is quite a sad story although I'm glad that your mum got to meet her first born and that you are in touch with him. You have recounted the story well poetically.

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 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Wendyanne, due to having so many at one time, I want you to know I am sorry for the late response.
    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, beautiful Merry~go~Rhyme poem. Good job creating this form.

My mother died when I was 10 years old. It changed my life for the worse.

I'm happy you found your brother.

You always do so well with this kind of poem.


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 Comment Written 21-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Gypsy, once again sorry for the delay on this .

    I appreciate the lovely review for my mom's poem and your sweet comments. I thank you so very much, dear friend.