Comment from
I am Cat
You are a mess, Mikey! LOL
But oh I love it. ;)
hilarious. I laughed... omg
I laughed.
I was thinking something like... wow, what a bad Photoshop job... but I guess'n that's not the right angle, eh? lol
too funny. LOL
love it. well done.
you could add....
'he took a shot of lead
in the head
and he bled...
now instead...
free fallin......
yeah he's
free fallin....."
or something like that. ;)
good luck on this one.
It's a virtual six from me by virtue of the fact that those little fuckers are gone already. ;(
that's my next poem, btw. ;)
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Comment Written 13-Jan-2016
reply by the author on 15-Jan-2016
I had to go get my guitar. That happens to be one of the songs I can't resist, then I have to follow it up with behind blue eyes.
It's the wannabe who dude in concert in his bedroom in Lancaster.
crickets are chirping!!!
I'm late replying and I'll be damned, that was your next poem. HAHAHAHA!! Yeah, I need to do some reviewing. Tell these idiots to stop going to the hospital for every little thing.... mikey