A poem about Immigrant hatred.42 total reviews
Comment from dragonpoet
Hi Nolan,
This is a well rhymed and metered poem about one of the biggest problems in our world. We need to lessen hate and find those who believe that all are acceptable no matter what. It is true that those who discriminate will chose a candidate that also does. Some choose on bad trait while some choose on good ones.
Congrats on placing third in the contest
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a great weekend
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2025
Hi Nolan,
This is a well rhymed and metered poem about one of the biggest problems in our world. We need to lessen hate and find those who believe that all are acceptable no matter what. It is true that those who discriminate will chose a candidate that also does. Some choose on bad trait while some choose on good ones.
Congrats on placing third in the contest
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a great weekend
Comment Written 10-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2025
Thank you Joan. While I appreciate even being considered in a contest I did not seek to enter. My reward is in writing something, anything that finds acceptance with those who are kind enough to read what I have written.
Comment from mrsmajor
Thanks nomi, for sharing your very thoughtful comments...I do agree that discrimination is a serious problem.
Yet, I also believe in Bible scripture...all of it!
I believe some are holding strong to the words of our loving God, others are ignoring those words, and allowing themselves to be filled with hateful thoughts about people that don't look like them...and until Jehovah God, takes back His sovereignty, the ways of this world will not change. satan's angels are indeed part of the world, even today.
Indeed, a garden of hostility has grown from satan's awful seed...
I know some don't believe as I do, and that's fine, as each of us, must come to our own decisions as what they want to believe...I'm certainly not perfect, no one is, but I know for sure, without a shadow of a doubt, I will not allow the man that will sit in the oval office for the next 4 years, to change me.
I don't hate anyone, while blacks look like me, and whites do not, God says as the second of His greatest commandments, thou shall love they neighbor as thyself...To do otherwise is like spitting in the face of the creator of all things, both here on earth and all else...
As a 90 year old woman, I will turn away from those that choose to hate me, knowing that there is a living God that yes indeed does love me, and all of those that believe in Him, are too numerous to even begin to number.
May God's Blessings follow you always...
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2025
Thanks nomi, for sharing your very thoughtful comments...I do agree that discrimination is a serious problem.
Yet, I also believe in Bible scripture...all of it!
I believe some are holding strong to the words of our loving God, others are ignoring those words, and allowing themselves to be filled with hateful thoughts about people that don't look like them...and until Jehovah God, takes back His sovereignty, the ways of this world will not change. satan's angels are indeed part of the world, even today.
Indeed, a garden of hostility has grown from satan's awful seed...
I know some don't believe as I do, and that's fine, as each of us, must come to our own decisions as what they want to believe...I'm certainly not perfect, no one is, but I know for sure, without a shadow of a doubt, I will not allow the man that will sit in the oval office for the next 4 years, to change me.
I don't hate anyone, while blacks look like me, and whites do not, God says as the second of His greatest commandments, thou shall love they neighbor as thyself...To do otherwise is like spitting in the face of the creator of all things, both here on earth and all else...
As a 90 year old woman, I will turn away from those that choose to hate me, knowing that there is a living God that yes indeed does love me, and all of those that believe in Him, are too numerous to even begin to number.
May God's Blessings follow you always...
Comment Written 09-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2025
Those who ignore God's word and go on their merry little way will experience tearful cries of woe when judgement finds them and illustrates the power of godly truth and wisdom. Of course by then it will be too late.
You are so right, yet we all have a chance to make the right choices...
Though perfect I will never be, God knows me...and yes He knows You too....Blessings
Comment from Bill Schott
This poem is a compelling call on those readers who can and would do a part to move the automatic bad reception for new citizens to a more receptive attitude.
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
This poem is a compelling call on those readers who can and would do a part to move the automatic bad reception for new citizens to a more receptive attitude.
Comment Written 29-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
Thanks Bill. After all the term neighbor as used in the Bible includes a worldwide or universal neighborhood.
Comment from teafor2
NOM1338, In spite of the erratic alignment of this serious and sane post,
I like others were and are able to follow your rhyming heartfelt sentiments.
This for me can easily serve as an early reminder for Black History Month/
MLKJR birthday. Thanks for being first:) teafor2
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
NOM1338, In spite of the erratic alignment of this serious and sane post,
I like others were and are able to follow your rhyming heartfelt sentiments.
This for me can easily serve as an early reminder for Black History Month/
MLKJR birthday. Thanks for being first:) teafor2
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
Thank you. For me it was about the message far more than the form. I will never be one who is concerned over much for conforming to set standards of syllable count and fitting into this format or that format. For me it will always be about the message.
I agree, but when you get my age and with poor eyesight, it's quite a chore to
glean messages period :)
Comment from royowen
Mind you, discrimination, prejudice, bias is a monster created by the flawed human, I think we all have the sickness, only a few realise it, I hate it, it's of the devil, it belongs, and always has in the pit from whence it cane, even those it works against potentially have it too, we need to guard our hearts against its wiles, Nomi, beautifully written, blessings
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
Mind you, discrimination, prejudice, bias is a monster created by the flawed human, I think we all have the sickness, only a few realise it, I hate it, it's of the devil, it belongs, and always has in the pit from whence it cane, even those it works against potentially have it too, we need to guard our hearts against its wiles, Nomi, beautifully written, blessings
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 29-Dec-2024
Thank you brother Roy. I appreciate your wise and accurate assessment.
Bless you Nomi
Comment from Monica Chaddick
This poem sends a very important message. I did have a bit of trouble with the flow.
I joke with people that I don't discriminate ~ I hate everyone equally. I always start out trying to be nice and respectful to anyone and everyone. If they cross me, I never use racial comments because whatever they did has absolutely nothing to do with their gender, color, nationality, language, or anything else. It has to do with that particular person.
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
This poem sends a very important message. I did have a bit of trouble with the flow.
I joke with people that I don't discriminate ~ I hate everyone equally. I always start out trying to be nice and respectful to anyone and everyone. If they cross me, I never use racial comments because whatever they did has absolutely nothing to do with their gender, color, nationality, language, or anything else. It has to do with that particular person.
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
That is a very wise way of dealing with people. The minute you precede a response to someone based on some exterior quality over which they have no control, you engage in prejudice. Their conduct however, is a choice they make, even if it is a product of their upbringing. They can learn how to do and become better.
Comment from Ulla
Hi Nomi, I loved this poem. Yes, you just said it. So much hatred seems to take over your country and the world. Like you, I wonder what your country will look like in a few years time. Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem and its message within. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
Hi Nomi, I loved this poem. Yes, you just said it. So much hatred seems to take over your country and the world. Like you, I wonder what your country will look like in a few years time. Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem and its message within. Ulla:)))
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
Thank you so much Ulla. Your kindness over time has always been something I appreciate and am grateful for.
Comment from Charlotte Morse
Hi Nomi, a very well written poem indeed, and about a very topical problem across the world.
I found the first verse particularly moving and sadly very true of too many people.
I'm from the UK, which in the past has tended to be more lenient than the US, but times are changing and unfortunately discrimination is being promoted (especially on social media) more and more, but at least here the powers that be are trying to rein it in, here's hoping they succeed.
I just don't understand why everyone can't just live together in peace!
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
Hi Nomi, a very well written poem indeed, and about a very topical problem across the world.
I found the first verse particularly moving and sadly very true of too many people.
I'm from the UK, which in the past has tended to be more lenient than the US, but times are changing and unfortunately discrimination is being promoted (especially on social media) more and more, but at least here the powers that be are trying to rein it in, here's hoping they succeed.
I just don't understand why everyone can't just live together in peace!
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
One clue is found in Scripture. Satan the Devil hates what God loves. John 3:16 states that God loved us so much that He was willing to allow His only begotten son to die for our benefit. Satan did everything he could think of to prevent that, but he failed. Now he is content to cause as much hatred as possible because that is something that could cause our downfall.
Not being a believer in either God or Satan I'll stick with the blame being put on human nature - the fact that many humans are greedy, power-crazed and selfish works as an unpleasant but more reasonable argument for me.
In short, clever politicians work hard to convince voters that a vote for any other candidate will result in something being taken away or denied that they would otherwise not be able to have or get. Pure hogwash, but it works many more times than not.
Comment from Brenda Strauser
I really like your poem. How true your words are. I think about the jews..I hope we don't have that kind of situation. I am fearful for what is coming. Your poem describes discrimination well. Great poem.
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
I really like your poem. How true your words are. I think about the jews..I hope we don't have that kind of situation. I am fearful for what is coming. Your poem describes discrimination well. Great poem.
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
Thank you Brenda. I appreciate your great comments.
Comment from Sanku
It is very easy to pretend to forget that US is basically a nation of immigrants ,The anti immigrant clamour during the elections dies down soon and then more visa are given to immigrants ....strange
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
It is very easy to pretend to forget that US is basically a nation of immigrants ,The anti immigrant clamour during the elections dies down soon and then more visa are given to immigrants ....strange
Comment Written 28-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
The main reason for you to distrust politicians is that they will say and do anything to get elected. Once in office, they will say and do anything or nothing at all in order to stay there. Go figure.