CD Richards
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Rank: 212
What is poetry?
<< Thread Modifed October 19 at 7:26AM >>
How is quoting a single Bible verse verbatim, and putting a one-line comment at the top "poetry"?
I get the need to proselytize. But do it on FaceBook, or if you simply must do it here, at least write a poem or story of your own. God created all the stars, allegedly, so he doesn't need six more.
RE: What is poetry?
Calm down, big fella. You have options...
1. Hit Skip.
2. Take the money after quietly explaining your point of view.
I agree that this is not a valid 'poem' but if some folks want to post it, who am I to stand in their way?
CD Richards
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Rank: 212
RE: What is poetry?
You're right, Steve. I guess I have been extremely naive in expecting a writing site to be about writing; the particpant's own writing, not someone else's.
I shall silently slink back into my cave, and most likely not darken the doorstep again. The light dawns for even the thickest of us, eventually.