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6 months ago

Joe Bennett

I suppose I'll just go on screaming into the void then. Whatever you do, do not read what is posted below.

Joe Bennett is a columnist based at Lyttelton (near Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand) I come across his columns from time to time - not half as often as I would like because they somehow don't reach me way up here in the tip of the North Island. He is frequent uproariously funny - not so much in the column below which airs his thoughts about Trump. Not too dissimilar from my own thoughts but expressed better!


Joe Bennett 17 Aug 2024

Yes, Governor Tim Walz, yes. You are bang right. Trump’s weird. And the way to defeat him is to say so. Because it belittles him. Because it enrages him. But above all, because it makes people laugh at him.

Over the last eight years, the world has heard and seen far too much of Trump. Anyone with any integrity now knows him for what he is - a ringing shell, a self-promoting absence of anything worth promoting, an absence of character and courage and kindness and honesty and talent.

In place of all these things, there’s just an ego like a black hole. It sucks in applause and attention and praise and worship and loyalty but can never be satisfied. Trump needs more and more of the same, world without end.
What Trump craves most is respect, but he knows he cannot earn it. Hence the huge importance he attaches to things that connote respect - crowd size, television ratings, opinion polls, elections. He awards himself golf trophies. He has Time magazine covers made and hangs them in his hideous house. Fake things telling the fake story of his own excellence that his ego needs to hear.

When the world doesn’t tell his fake story, he simply re-invents the world. He has no choice. His ego demands it. So, when Kamala Harris pulls bigger crowds than he does, he declares that the photos of her crowds are artificially generated. It’s an absurd lie, instantly disproved. But he has to tell it because he is the prisoner of his own horrific psyche.
As a result, Trump has no thoughts and no principles. He’ll say and do anything if it promises to bring him the stuff he craves. Putin won him over by calling him a genius. Kim Il Jong played him like a cheap banjo.

Because Trump has no actual views or principles, because everything he says is designed in that moment to make him look as good as possible and bears no reference to reality, Trump is actually a difficult opponent. There’s nothing to come to grips with. Opposing him is like playing tennis with no net and no lines - a game without rules, impossible to win.

Any other candidate for office who had been caught paying off a porn star, or heard boasting about grabbing women by the crotch, or banned from running a charity, or convicted of falsifying tax returns or charged with stealing classified documents, or seen by the whole world inciting an insurrection, would have shrunk from view forever. Not Trump. He is incapable of shame or guilt. Call him the most slime-drenched fraudster ever to crawl from the sewer and the only word he’ll hear is most.

There is no point in being offended by Trump - though he is limitlessly offensive - or outraged by Trump - though he is limitlessly outrageous - because both those reactions cede power to him. Both take him seriously. Both promote him as an enemy to be feared. Trump is delighted to be feared. It gratifies that endlessly rapacious ego.

Label him weird, however, as Governor Walz has done, and something different happens. First, it pierces the heart of things. Most people try to tell the truth, but Trump doesn’t. Most people have some sort of conscience, but Trump doesn’t. Most people are capable of feeling shame, but Trump doesn’t. Trump is weird.

Better still, however, calling him weird diminishes him. Rather than a monster to be feared he becomes a freak to be laughed at. And if there is one thing that breaks Trump it is being laughed at. He literally cannot stand it. Because anyone who laughs at him has seen through him.

Laughter is a uniquely human quality. What prompts it is insight. A joke is funny because it tells a truth that otherwise goes unsaid.
Laughter sees through the fake Time covers, the fake golf trophies, the gold-plated toilet, the branded jet, the endless boasting, it strips all that away and exposes the talentless, greedy ignoramus within, the talentless, greedy ignoramus that it is Trump’s sole mission on earth to conceal.

To take Trump seriously is to play into his hands, to give him a form of what he craves. But to call him weird and to laugh at him, as Governor Walz has done, is like salting a slug. It makes Trump shrivel into a fizzing little ball of rage. If they keep it up, it will drive him mad. Literally. Go, Tim, go.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  315

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett

Message edited: 6 months ago

I read that in a New Zealand accent, which made me misty-eyed about my good friend who has returned to her homeland. I am reminded that one day, we really should visit. As to the subject, I vowed I was going to stay out of the Trump infested waters. Even my own post about my own country got Trumped. But I am going to say this. I don't agree with the assertion that call in Trump weird Tis like salting a slug. It's actually more like fuelling the fire of his martyrdom. He is making not inconsiderable mileage out of both the hatred and ridicule of his Presidency and he and his following have merely doubled down. Far from shrinking him, it all just seems to make him bigger. He's been a figure of fun and outrage since he first entered the political fray. He's come back for more. Not exactly shrivelling up, is he? Psychologically speaking, he thrives on all this. The way to have really ground him into the dust would have been to treat him as an inconsequential blip on the American map. Yes, yes, I know he isn't, but he could have been, couldn't he? He could have been a not-very-funny international joke, America's problem child. He could have and should have been roundly ignored out of international politics, instead of made so much of (excuse the shocking grammar). He is all the things you have listed in another thread and more, yet he is still potentially a vote winner. Is it despite the world's laughter that turned to real concern when we realised he was serious and a large enough chunk of the American population thought enough of him to vote him in? Or is it because of it? Nobody's mentioned how the man was played like a fiddle by the tin pot dictator of North Korea. Trump actually met with the man, a historic first. Came home and told America and the world, North Korea would be disarming their nuclear weapons. In fact, Trump boasted, 'he's probably doing it right now'. He wasn't, NK still haven't and they never had any intention of doing so unless Trump met certain conditions. This part of the conversation was ignored by Trump, who only heard, it seems, 'we will disarm'. That level of political ineptitude is being buried under the swirl of the odious man himself. Have you noticed that of all the things you listed, it is the accusation that he is a rapist that you are most challenged on? Of course, I would be the last person to say that doesn't matter, but it's something his supporters can latch on to, deny, make a big thing about how false it all was, how the judge hated Trump, etc. It's not going to bury him because people don't believe it, and he and his gang are using it to fuel the idea that he is a victim of a campaign of hatred. And nobody is paying attention to North Korea quietly continuing to build their arsenal because Trump made a big show of resolving a problem he never actually resolved, buried the lack of resolution and shut up about it in the (accurate, as it turned out) hope people would forget about it. It's not what 'everyone knows', Steve. It's not what's widely publicised and talked about. It's what we aren't hearing. It's not the noise, it's the silence. The noise suits Trump very well. The noise brings out the counter-noise of his loyal gang. The things he does at home, just in relation to domestic politics are winning him votes. If that's what America wants, for their nation, they should have it. But his involvement in world affairs should and could be minimised. Your shouting into the void on this forum has brought out the defenders, the closet Trumpeters, the out and proud Trumpeters, the 'I don't like him, butters'. On a much bigger stage, the same arguments are having the same effect. Meanwhile, the man himself is both hiding behind and using all the noise to rally his defenders, who would swear white was black for their beloved leader. Ultimately, Lance is not wrong in that we don't have a vote. He is wrong if he thinks it is neither important nor relevant to the wider world who America chooses as their President, but I do think the way to tackle that is to tackle the place one nation holds in the world. Because we don't have a vote. And it doesn't matter how much we point out the folly of electing Trump, in the end, it's up to those who have a vote. All the rest of the world can do is mitigate the damage on an international level. All the laughing, all the criticising, all the statement of facts, even the lawsuits, haven't squashed this insect. Not on this forum or anywhere else. If it had, he wouldn't even be a credible candidate. There's no point continuing to tell everybody what they already know and choose to disbelieve/ignore/treat as a conspiracy to bring down a Messiah. All that happens is an endless circular argument that reinforces the notion that Trump is the most important man on the planet. THAT is the problem. Not who is president of one country, but the importance placed on that position at a world level. In discussions with Lance, I have explained many times why we are all so interested in America. If we spent more time working on dismantling the hold one nation has over the world than trying to persuade the citizens of that nation to vote differently, we might actually avert not only this disaster, but disasters to come.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett

Scarbrems, I'm not engaging with Steve anymore but you've been pretty civil so far. Except, if you want to change outcomes, you need to read what's actually been said. No one who has been posting in this forum lately actually supports Trump. In branding everyone who is not pro-Harris and pro-Biden to be a Trump supporter, closeted or otherwise, you are playing a dangerous game that could backfire in exactly the way you already understand.

Pretty much everything else you said is true though. Yeah, Obama mocked and successfully baited Trump at a press correspondents dinner into running in 2016. You also might want to take a good hard look at the other party, and then tell us again who is more dangerous.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  315

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
I have not, in fact, branded everyone as a Trump supporter. I have mentioned those who have been brought out. This is across several years and no names have been mentioned. It is your choice to assign the types I mention to every commenter who is not pro-Biden/Harris. I haven't spoken at all of Biden or Harris in the post, not in many others, apart from the one in which I wanted to get past the implication that Harris's long ago indiscretions with a consensual sexual partner had anything to do with her rise.

I speak nothing of her ability to lead a nation, only that her gender has eff all to do with with whether she will be any good or not. I've no idea.

I don't have a 'side' in your elections as such. I am very firmly on the side of the rest of the world doing better at balancing the importance we afford to them, so that who you vote for, for your own domestic reasons, is of rather less importance to the rest of us.

I am not playing any sort of game by tarring anyone with any broad brushes. I merely call it as I see it. It's certainly not a dangerous game, since this is merely a forum on a writer's website. I am not going to be taken out and beaten up with a crowbar.

I think you have missed the main point of my post, but I'm not sure I care enough, to be honest.


Review Stars

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
"I vowed I was going to stay out of the Trump infested waters. Even my own post about my own country got Trumped."

Ah, no need to thank us, Scar. It's simply what we do here; you're quite welcome!

"If we spent more time working on dismantling the hold one nation has over the world than trying to persuade the citizens of that nation to vote differently, we might actually avert not only this disaster, but disasters to come."

Hmm, and how do you propose doing/achieving this, Scar?
*Clandestinely dispatching 'agents' to...wherever Scar resides, as we train our surveilance satellites on that region.*


Level 1 Pro

Review Stars
Rank:  315

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
I'll give the satellites a wave, Go.


Review Stars

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
" I am not going to be taken out and beaten up with a crowbar."

{Well, we were going to employ other measures, but if this is what she's expecting then ...}

So, Scar, based on that video, is Atkinson anti liberal or anti conservative?
And can you give us a slice of John Cheese's views?

I may have been born and bred in America, but, dagnabit, I'm totally British at heart--and knees!


Level 1 Pro

Review Stars
Rank:  315

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
Yes, good old Mr bloomin' auto correct.
If I get beaten up by a crowbar now, I'll be giving names...


Review Stars

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
Yes, yes, all well and good, but what is Atkinson's political leaning?
lance seems to believe/suggest he's anti-liberal.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  148

6 months ago
RE: Joe Bennett
Just to educate Go a little, Scarbrems was previously active on this forum under the name of Sarkems - Emma, residing on the lovely island of Sark. She reappears as Scarbrem - great clue as to where satellites should be focused.

Hi, Emma - good to hear from you and an interesting point of view. I'll agree to a point. Trump loves to ve the centre of attention. Mocking him partly gives him that. Starving him of attention would certainly work much better but sadly is impossible.

I do think the weird thing is working to a point. Nobody REALLY enjoys being pointed out a an idiot and a coward. That last is a reference to the latest Lincoln Project video which simply places chicken noises over Trump speaking about why he might not debate Harris.

Hi, Harambe. I know you're not engaging (he, he, just caught the double meaning there), but perhaps you may catch a sentence or two out of the corner of your eye.

You say you are not pro-Trump, but you are also very clearly not pro-Harris, so who will you be voting for come November? Despite the couple of nuisance third-party candidates, your system really gives you a binary choice.

I've been happily watching CNN again. So sue me! This topic came up on Abby Phillips' show this afternoon (NZ time - Mon evening, I guess) The discussion centred around whether ex-Trump officials, many/most of whom have criticised him strongly as unfit for the presidency, should come out and endorse Harris.

Poor old Scott Jennings, one of only two Trump supporters on the panel was left to argue that the 'horriffic' policies that would certainly be perpetrated by Harris totally out-pointed the fact that Trump was a vastly flawed and dangerous candidate.



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