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6 months ago

Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech

Just finished listening to Joe Biden.

Lengthy speech, forceful, coherent, inspiring on many levels.

Could it be he's not quite as doddery as some would have us believe?

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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech

Every dog has his day. Biden is great at delivering speeches. Always has been. I don't even need to see the speech to believe you.

What everyone should be worried about though is who is actually running the White House.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
Of the whole lacklustre evening the one speech that stood out a little to me was Ashley Biden. She was sincere and vulnerable with a few fumbles. I thought the inclusion of a picture of Stormy Daniels, (the porn star) crude and unnecessary. It rather tarnishes the Democrats' claim of being the caring party.

What I did notice was Biden's inability to land his right hand in close proximity of his heart when expressing love, or raise his arms over his head.


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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
We've already established that Biden is old and has certain physical disabilities. Particularly obvious is his stiff and slow gait. There is a medical reason for that.

Where you criticised him before you were talking about his mental capacity - the speech showed that he can still speak powerfully and coherently - much better than Trump. he has a sense of the occasion and even a strong sense of humour - Trump, of course, has none.

I'm glad he's out of the race. Free of the necessity to campaign he will be able to finish off his term with more significant achievements. He still has a strong appetite for work and I believe he has an eye on working to the end.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
As far as I know, on record, the White House doctor gave Biden a clean bill of health, "fit and healthy" do serve, so don't believe your lying eyes. Is there something I have missed?

I didn't criticize Biden's mental capacity. I said he is of average intelligence. In support of my assertion let me ask you this: Every time you give one of your students an average grade do you believe you are criticizing their mental capacity?

I must admit to a certain bias toward Biden when he said he could've won if he ran for president in 2016.

Really? What arrogance! What gall! I don't believe that for even a second, but what an insult to Clinton. IMO Biden would've lost too, and if he were a man of high intelligence he would know that. At any rate it is a nonsensical thing to say because it can't be disproved.

When Biden raised 2016 again a month ago, because he felt "forced" out of the presidency by Obama and others, his arrogance showed up in full force.

Biden carries a chip on his shoulder because he thinks he has always been underrated. IMO he has achieved heights that he should be grateful for, because his intellect, charisma, and achievements don't rise to meet his high opinion of himself. Perhaps if he were healthy he might've won a second term, but as you say, he is not healthy--a fact he still hasn't admitted to. A person of high intelligence would know they were incapable of serving a second term. Biden did not know this and I am not confident he knows it yet.

It's irrelevant now. And, as you say, let him finish his term and hopefully he can at least do something worthwhile in the Middle East to prove he has the foreign policy chops and empathy he is known for.

Steve, if name calling upsets you perhaps you might put a cap on your own, otherwise you come across as hypocritical. In recent threads you have criticized Trump by calling him poor, whiny, Donny the insane, stupid, vile, clown, slime ball, rapist, fraudster, despicable, incompetent leader who is clearly in cognitive decline.

The DNC was electric tonight. Starting with Patti LaBelle, who at age 80, still has the voice of a young songbird. She took it to the limit and what a great idea for the roll call. That was brilliant. The DJ did a fantastic job playing songs particular to each state's delegates as did those announcing their choice.


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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
He may very well have been fit enough to serve. You don't have to be an athlete - ask FDR. The trouble was that he looked unfit and whatever the reason for the poor performance at that debate, he appeared to be losing the plot.

I don't question the mental capacity of an 'average' student, but them they're not running for President, are they? Anyone doing that had better be well above average - which let's Donny out.

Ah yes, I do insult him and call him names. I'm happy to be respectful of pretty much everybody else, but he doesn't deserve that consideration. When has he ever been respectful to anyone really. He wasn't respectful to the Queen, he shoved other Heads of State aside to get to the front of a photo op and of course he has a penchant for bestowing childish nicknames on anyone he doesn't like, including senior members of his own party, who for their own reasons lap it up and come back for more.

You didn't comment on my 20+ reasons for thinking Trump is bad?


Level 1 Pro

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6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
For the record, Biden has a Law Degree so possibly a tad above average?

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  97

6 months ago
RE: Old Addle-Brain gives a great speech
It all depends on how you define intelligence. I suppose we could start with the easiest, albeit sadly incomplete, measurement of intelligence--IQ. A quick Google search of all presidents puts Biden in last place with his alleged IQ listed as unknown.

I didn't comment on your 20+ list of why Trump is bad because all that stuff is old, stale and lacks depth.


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