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2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#1 Ranked Script Writer!

7 months ago

Just crazy.

<< Thread Modifed August 15 at 10:39PM >>

A Los Angeles federal district Tuesday ordered the University of California, Los Angeles, to stop allowing and assisting antisemitic agitators to ban Jews from large parts of UCLA’s campus.

And UCLA is angry and the judge. WHY???

Why does a federal judge have to step in? Why doesn't Governor Newsome say or do anything?


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  19

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Rank:  145

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.

Old news?

The ruling seems fair enough. Who's really getting angry about it - I didn't see an evidence of anyone attacking the judge.

Newsome would be happy enough to let the courts deal with it.


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.
The Jews! The Jews! The Jews!
It's all their fault--old news.
A judge says, "Stop!"
But where's the cop
To save them from false views?

It's quite obvious that UCLA is being systematically taken over by...*da-da-da-duuuuummm*...'THEM!!!!'

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  73

Short Works Rating

Rank:  17

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars
Rank:  24

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.
Message edited: 7 months ago

Huh? Old? This just happened this week.

From the Wrap yesterday: UCLA pushed back Thursday on a federal order that would protect Jewish students' access to campus areas occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters, calling U.S. district judge Mark C. Scarsi's ruling "improper." "UCLA is committed to fostering a campus culture where everyone feels welcome and free from intimidation, discrimination and harassment," Mary Osako, UCLA's vice chancellor for strategic communications, said in a statement.

"The district court's ruling is improper and would hamstring our ability to respond to events on the ground and to meet the needs of the Bruin community. We're closely reviewing the Judge's ruling and considering all our options moving forward."

And you're right Kiwi, Newsome will not do anything. He will let the courts handle it. That way he doesn't have to take action and risk the anger of some of his people. A smart political move. Or maybe he has no issue with what's happening on a public state university. This case reminds me of the supreme court case Brown vs Board of Education, and the desegregation of schools decades ago. Where Gov. Wallace (D) refused to let black kids enter a public school and the Federal government had to send troops in to escort the black kids safely into school. Sad, that history is repeating itself.


To show what the judge saw. Notice the UCLA security doing nothing.


Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  19

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  145

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.
I may have read this wrong the first time round as to what the judge ordered. Yes, it is hard to understand the University's words/actions in this case, although I might be tempted to grant them some leeway in their control of protests, especially those inflamed by what many would see as a genocidal process.

In other words, it's complicated. Do any of us know enough to come down on either side of this argument?

I'll butt out now

The court ruling is recent. My old news comment referred to the instigating actions.


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.
Well, in all seriousness, based on that video, UCLA is in the wrong.

The pro-Palestine protesters have every right to publicly demonstrate, BUT--BUT--UCLA should designate a neutral, non-traffic zone/area for the protesters to do their thing, without impeding/denying freedom of movement to other students/persons.

UCLA security should have stepped in to shift the protesters to one side and created 'rightful' space for the (Jewish)/other students to freely/safely move around campus.
There may be a thousand other ways/routes for the Jewish students to get to class/wherever they're going, BUT they shouldn't be denied access through ANY of them.
They are bonafide, tuition-paying official students of the university, and should be granted free/protected right to safely move about THEIR campus.

There should be non-obstructive areas where the protesters can congregate and protest to their hearts' content--without impeding the ree/rightful movement of others.

Hey, UCLA, you should/can do much better! Come on now!


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: Just crazy.
Israel's 'perceived' genocide of Palestinian folk (hey, Hamas started this current mess) should/must not justify/excuse pro-Palestine protesters harassing/impeding Jewish/Israeli students on American campuses.
Two wrongs don't make a right.


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