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2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  73

Short Works Rating

Rank:  17

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars
Rank:  24

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

7 months ago

When a lie is better than the truth

This is what happens people reject the freedom of choice and person responsibility, for the benefits of being a victim, and the lie of oppression. M. Brown, 10 years ago was not a victim. That was a lie. his hands were never up. That was lie. He was robbery suspect, a assaulter of a police officer. IE: A criminal Bully. He was never racially profiled. And still people in Ferguson carry on celebrating, what every honest and logical person knows was a complete lie.


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: When a lie is better than the truth

Even if Jesus Christ himself came back to save/take all of mankind--none left behind--to heaven/paradise, some--a few rotten eggs--would still riot and fight him.

This 10th anniversary of Mike Brown's death--regardless of whether or not you believe it was justified--was, for the most part, peacefully celebrated/protested.
A very few bad eggs, who just need any excuse to jump off with their nonsense/madness, were the only ones trying to vandalize property/the police department and assaulted some officers.
A relatively very few, incorrigible bad eggs.

I hope they are fully investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
They do not represent the vast majority of peaceful/law-abiding celebrators/protesters.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  73

Short Works Rating

Rank:  17

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars
Rank:  24

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

7 months ago
RE: When a lie is better than the truth
I agree. Those responsible for the officer's injuries were arrested. Not all of the rioters were arrested.

But, I was taken by the new chief's words. Given all the changes, the people demanded, and the new Mayor, DA, and Police did. They even hired more black officers, a black chief, and a black DA, like I recall the people of Ferguson asked for. And a new police force.

Seriously, what were they protesting for? I feel the chief's frustration. Not just the rioters, but the "Peaceful" protesters. What are you protesting for now?

Julie Helms

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  81

Short Works Rating

Rank:  12

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  98

7 months ago
RE: When a lie is better than the truth
I don't know the details of this particular case, but it is just the new normal. A combination of promoting victim mentality with poor education creates people who do dumb things. It brings to mind those gluing themselves to roads, or thugs looting a black-owned privately owned business to 'get reparations from the white supremacist government'. It's just dumb. You're trying to use logic to understand it...that'll never work.


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: When a lie is better than the truth
lance, if the 'peaceful protesters' are simply marching/parading in remembrance/commemoration of Michael Brown, and keeping the need/movement for progressive reforms alive, and they're not harming anyone or destroying anything, then let them 'peacefully protest'--paradoxical/oxymoronic as that may sound to some.
Sometimes, folks just need an excuse to 'peacefully' congregate/socialize on the streets.
We still have 'peaceful' civil rights marches/'protests', gay parades/'protests', ethnic street celebrations/'protests' and such.
'Peaceful protests' is just semantics for let's get together and make some noise/have some fun on the strets.

It's only when it turns violent/destructive that it becomes a problem.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  73

Short Works Rating

Rank:  17

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars
Rank:  24

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

7 months ago
RE: When a lie is better than the truth
It's not just me, Go. You've watched the video. The Police Chief, the D.A. and officers who had to protect the "Peaceful protesters" When they took over the city streets. They had no right to do that. Be honest here.

They broke the law, impeded traffic, but the city did nothing, and let them, even protected them. Then that night, violence. This happened throughout the summer of love, during the BLM riots (or protests) in city after city. Mine included.

And for what? M. Brown was not a hero. Not a victim. That entire narrative (As proven by the courts, the witness retraction during the grand jury, AG Eric Holder's DOJ investigation, the former D.A. who got voted out because his investigation didn't lie like the protesters and activists wanted, and this current (black) D.A, who was elected because he promised to prosecute the cop. BUT... after he investigated, found that M. Brown was not a victim, and the cop was not crooked white racist.

And now here we are 10 years later. When will some let the lie go? When will people accept the hard truth? And like the DA and Chief asked. "For God's sake, what more do these people want?"


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