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Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  63

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Rank:  100

7 months ago

Kennedy Assassination

Kamala's allies are doing their best to kill Kennedy from the Pennsylvania ballot. Here's the scoop from CNN:


Review Stars

7 months ago
RE: Kennedy Assassination

This same RFK jr.?
He shouldn't only be taken off all the ballots, he should be institutionalized!
And this is the same guy whose endorsement Trump was recently begging for.
Go figure; crazy birds flock together.

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  63

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  100

7 months ago
RE: Kennedy Assassination
Yes, the bear story is hilarious and stupid but also completely irrelevant to what I just posted about: the Pennsylvania ballot.

Remember that four years ago, the Pennsylvania legislature passed a signature requirement on ballots, and right before the election a partisan judicial ruling stripped that requirement away. Pennsylvania is well known for its corruption in elections, and should be watched closely.


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